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New member! Help on visa requirements!


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Hi my partner and I are looking to immigrate to Australia. We are looking to go as a couple under his name as he is a welder which is on the skill's shortage list. However, we are not married and do not officially live together. I live with my parents and he lives in a shared house, but I do stay with him in his shared house every night of the week. I can prove we have been together but I am not sure if this is enough? We are going to Australia for a holiday in December and can't wait, but would love to make the dream a permanent reality. I was thinking of opening a joint bank account for us, and showing any transfers of money between the two of us to show we are together. We were also thinking of changing all my partner's details to my parents address where I live. For example bank account address details, car insurance, driving license etc......


Would this be accepted as a de-fascto relationship for visa purpose's, if we are shown as living together at my parents? It's a bit of a blow as we have been together for 19 months and are committed to one another, however I have read we need to be living together for 12 months before we can even apply which means we will have to wait till next June/July 2010 if you think living at my parents would work? Then I have read it takes 2 years to go through. could we do a working holiday visa in the meantime during these 2 years while we are waiting for it to go through? Any help would be very greatful!! :wacko:


Thanks for your time :notworthy:

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