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job agencies


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hi does anyone know how job agencies work out here in Oz, my hubby signed up with a few and has handed in his resume. he then looks on job web sites to find the same agencies advertising jobs which he can easy do, advertised but they dont even contact him for a position.

he has applied for lots of jobs and not heard anything


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Guest fatpom
hi does anyone know how job agencies work out here in Oz, my hubby signed up with a few and has handed in his resume. he then looks on job web sites to find the same agencies advertising jobs which he can easy do, advertised but they dont even contact him for a position.

he has applied for lots of jobs and not heard anything



I think the "consultants" keep the prospectives & jobs to themselves. They rely on commission to get a decent wage. Some jobs probably aren't real, they're fishing exercises so they have plenty of the right prospects when a job comes their way.


Another common trick is to advertise for a job they've noticed being advertised by a regular company. They then approach the company & offer to head hunt for the company. This happened to the company I work for. You see almost word for word job descriptions on the website.


Having said that they do also find work for people.

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