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Why is it that ive started 2 new threads which i,d like some advice on,are on the main page for less than 15mins only to be put back,surley that cant be enough time for ppl to look & maybe able to offer some help to me.


Will see where i go with this 1

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I haven't read your other threads (haven't seen them yet!) but I will say that it takes time to write a reply - then there's the interruptions from the cat/dog/husband/wife/kids/telephone/computer crash... etc. :) Fifteen minutes is not much on an Internet forum so don't worry if you don't see the replies flying in straight away :hug:


Edited to add: I've read your other posts but haven't got the foggiest bit of solid advice for you but I do wish you lots of luck and all the determination you need to get back to Aust and make a good life for yourselves there :)

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Guest proud2beaussie
Why is it that ive started 2 new threads which i,d like some advice on,are on the main page for less than 15mins only to be put back,surley that cant be enough time for ppl to look & maybe able to offer some help to me.


Will see where i go with this 1

The threads are not moved unless they are posted in the wrong forum,whether they are on the main forum page is purely down to how busy the forum is,if it's really busy

your thread would disappear from the front page a lot quicker than 15 minutes !

but if it's quiet it could stay there for an hour or more.

Moderators do not play favorites with threads and your thread wasn't touched from what I can see.

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I think you've had some replies to your thread Debs ... I think you need to get some advice from an agent, due to the numerous changes to the visas, your OH's age and I think you mentioned he didn't have certificates. An agent will be able to tell you what real chance you have for moving back to Aus



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