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Medicare and health care

Guest MandyJayne

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Guest MandyJayne

Hi there, i am after some input. since we moved to Sydney in January i have sorted medicare and got Private health cover with NIB.


I am finding that visiting the doctor is costing me a fortune but i speak to other people who seem to pay either nothing or very little? I am quickly realising that healthcare is run as a business here.


I pay $65 for a 15 minute appointment, from that i get $21 back but my husband gets $35. Other friends get almost all of their doctors fees back? Whats the deal? I have tried to read up on medicare and healthcare but it does not really help! I have to go far a scan next week that costs $270 and surprise, surprise it isnt covered my my health insurance.


This coupled with problems with our estate agent and problems with anglo pacific i am finding living here quite draining and actually more expensive than the UK! I never expected this!


Can anyone help me understand the healthcare system please???



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hi mandy / jane

with regards to dr fees there are no set charges in place of the dr,s but medicare have set charges

so try and find another private dr who charges less our dr charges £50

We too are fron good old SOT and in stokie fashion there are ways around cost

pm for chat

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Hi there, i am after some input. since we moved to Sydney in January i have sorted medicare and got Private health cover with NIB.


I am finding that visiting the doctor is costing me a fortune but i speak to other people who seem to pay either nothing or very little? I am quickly realising that healthcare is run as a business here.



Tis everywhere....the money just gets passed through different hands.


I pay $65 for a 15 minute appointment, from that i get $21 back but my husband gets $35. Other friends get almost all of their doctors fees back? Whats the deal?



Why you got $21 back and your husband got $35 is bizarre....never heard of that happening at the same doctor.


My gap is $10. When leaving GP I hand over $10 and that's it. They claim the rest back directly back from the government. A lot of GP's offer this service. If I wanted it free I could pick from a range of bulk billing (ie free) GP's around the area. I like that I can swap to any GP I want - if I don't think they are any good, or their personality is not a good match, I just go to a different one. After being stuck with the one GP in the UK this probably takes some getting used to. I noticed recently that the medicare website talks about another payment option. You pay nothing upfront, the GP gives you an account - you take it to medicare and they give you a cheque for the GP. You bring in the govt cheque and also pay the difference at the same time. Sounds like a lot of palava but it is another option if you don't have the money upfront.


I have tried to read up on medicare and healthcare but it does not really help! I have to go far a scan next week that costs $270 and surprise, surprise it isnt covered my my health insurance.



I assume you are talking about it not being covered by your private health insurance. This is a common misconception. Private health insurance has two parts:

(1) Hospital cover

(2) Extra's


(1) Hospital cover is for when you are admitted to a private hospital - this can include day procedure's like colonoscopies performed in private specialist centre's because you are officially "admitted" into their day surgury.


(2) Extra's - this is for ancilliary medical services like dentists, glasses, physio and the like. NOT things done by medical specialists.


That is why your scan is not covered by private insurance.


If, for example, you go to your GP and need to get a scan, ultrasound, xray etc you have the following options:

- Ask your GP to refer you to outpatient services at a public hospital - this will be free - same as NHS.

- Ask your GP to give you a list of private clinics that bulk bill and go to one of them (or google them) - this will be free.

- Say nothing and let your GP choose the clinic - you will probably pay though medicare will still pay some of the bill.


So you have options - two totally free. Here is Brisbane I have found more than enough totally free, swish, efficient, plasma tv filled private clinics to have all my xray's and ultrasounds - could not be happier with the service and all free.


Remember, if you cannot find a private clinic that does it free, you can always go to the public hospital specialists just like the NHS.


I think the main difference here is choice - like religion, some people like to be told what to do and just do it, some people like choice - I'm definitely in the latter category - but it does take a while to get your head around the different choices you have.


Assuming you are on a visa covered by medicare, it is often best not to use your private health insurance if you get admitted to a hospital (don't tell them - you can always switch to private later if you're not happy). As a private patient you will get virtually the same treatment as a public patient but will have to pay large gap fee's - the difference between what the doctor charges and the private insurance pays. Private insurance is good for elective surgery if you are having to wait too long on a public hospital waiting list - and also gives you more luxury. But that's about it usually.

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Guest MandyJayne

Hi again, thanks for all the replies. I don't really want to switch doctors because she is really good and i think she does a good job. I don't actually mind paying for her it just confuses me when my husband pays less.


So i am realsiing that you have to ask for a choice of providers when you need tests done etc to establish which is good and cheaper. I suppose i will get used to this!



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