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can anyone who lives in or has been or has knowledge of Geraldton tell us what its like please? we are happy to live in regional oz if it means obtaining our visa but we would like some first hand exp? ive looked at a website for the place and it looks very nice, the only thing that worries me with smaller places is how my 12yr old will be accepted at the schools? many thanks kelly

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Guest North of perth

Hello, yes I live in Geraldton.

Very nice town, have been here over a year. I have kids and its pretty safe.

In fact my 16 year old is an angel compared to what his cousins back in the UK get upto.


Your child will be fine, the town has several UK teachers in the state schools. Also quite a few of the town are expats from various countries. Your son will be fine.


Best state primary schools: Tarcoola and Geraldton Primary.

Best high School: Nagle, Grammar or Strathalybln.


Ive got a son at Nagle and he loves it. But its fee paying, however very cheap and you can pay direct debit fortnightly if you wish.


Loads of clubs for kids and sports centre stuff, could even join junior surf club.

Also numerous beach in town and along this coast.



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Guest shaunpbsl@yahoo.co.uk
Hello, yes I live in Geraldton.

Very nice town, have been here over a year. I have kids and its pretty safe.

In fact my 16 year old is an angel compared to what his cousins back in the UK get upto.


Your child will be fine, the town has several UK teachers in the state schools. Also quite a few of the town are expats from various countries. Your son will be fine.


Best state primary schools: Tarcoola and Geraldton Primary.

Best high School: Nagle, Grammar or Strathalybln.


Ive got a son at Nagle and he loves it. But its fee paying, however very cheap and you can pay direct debit fortnightly if you wish.


Loads of clubs for kids and sports centre stuff, could even join junior surf club.

Also numerous beach in town and along this coast.




Hi there , sorry kellyjamie ,dont want too jump all over your thread , but with Gero being my sponsored destination , just wondering ,how's life at the moment , dare i mention the R word , is it affecting you ? and what are the general feelings regarding employment ( building trade ) , hopeing for maybe a glimmer of optimism ?


Kind Regards Shaun......

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