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De Facto/Evidence Dilemma


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Hey guys, brand new to this, well making a thread, been readin a lot lately


Basically i fly to oz on the 11th feb, my girlfriend is from australia and now i just wanna be with her asap, i'm going on a tourist visa and plan to lodge for a de facto visa on shore



Heres my dilemma


we've been together since 17th febuary 2008,

it was a weird situation as i knew her brother from travelling and when i went to stay with them on 29th january 2008 i met them and then i met her, and basically we got attached pretty quickly, after meeting a few times we went out by ourself and from the night we first kissed onwards i basically moved in, obviously having no ties to rent etc..


its been awesome, i came home for my 21st and mums wedding in april for 3 weeks, then i came home again october 10th and she followed november 15th, she's just gone back 3 weeks ago.


anyway i have no evidence of living with her for all that time apart from a wedding invitation from my sister and a doctors letter,but i do have bank statements addressed to her parents house, and up until april 13th ( her birthday) we only have one photo as i bought her a new camera for her.


so from then on we have been paris london rome and liverpool and also blue mountains in sydney, we have photos since april, will this matter?, some letters, lots of stat decs, i have some statements where i put money in her account and she has phone bills with evidence she texted me a lot lol, but only since around april too as i didnt have a phone which is dumb.


will this be enough?

we're completely in love and she's just got us our own unit in sydney.


just worried that the first 2 months seems not believeable and worried about going in on a tourist visa in the first place


also does anyone know how long the onshore visa takes about?

and how long it takes to be able to work afterwards?


thanks guys

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I applied onshore for a spouse visa & it can be done quite quick, firstly you need to have lived together for a year & also need to be able to supply all the evidence to prove this i.e. bills/insurances/etc along with stat decs from peolpe in oz & the uk.

Also you would need a uk police check for the application along with a medical.

Once you have put your application in (which needs to be done before your eta is up you can then stay in oz untill a decision is made & need to inform immi if you wish to leave oz in that time.

My advice to you would be to opt for a interview with a migration officer (often the temp visa can be granted the same day) i need new version of a doc from my ex re one of my daughters so i had to get this - otherwise as the migration officer told me i would have been granted the same day i had my interview & lodged my application all in all it took 15 days from my interview to my temp spouse visa being granted.

You cannot work untill your temp visa is granted & after that you have too wait 2 years for the pr which you have to then submit all the same info again almost

Good luck

stuju :-)

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Guest sarahfunnyface

You may not have enough evidence...

To make things easier and more believable, if you haven't done these things already - once you land in Oz (on your tourist visa)

Get a joint bank account

Get both your names on the lease of the apartment

Get all the bills in both your names

Get your friends from home to send you letters to your address in Oz - to both of you, and to you independantly (to prove you do live there)


Evidence you may already have or need to get from time together:

Photos, Emails, Phone bills, when you went travelling did you book hotels with both your names? All bank statements proving you were supporting each other and sharing money during travelling, absolutley everthing showing you were together. The more you have the better it is especially for your situation. Unfortunately just telling them how much you love each other is not going to work.


Can't you initially apply for a working holiday visa instead of a tourist one? You'll be able to work immediately on that and it gives you a year to collect more evidence for de facto visa.


PS - Imigration agents cost a lot of money!

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Hey guys, thanks for the advice


sadly i already used my work holiday visa last year, that's when i met my girlfriend,


so i think we're gonna wait until march to apply as that is the point when we have sufficient evidence of our relationship, its a bit crap because ill have to use my savings to live for a month and a bit!


but we're gona have the lease in our names and shared bills so maybe ill call and find out anyway?


although we are able to get a huge number of stat decs from england and australia, will this help our case?


its quite retarded i didn't have a phone when i got there, and no pictures, apart from one lol

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