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Really fancy this area but am aware of the Shell/Alcoa plants. We have a petroleum plant in Scotland and it is an eyesore. How big/unsightly is the one in Geelong?


Anyone from there who can advise on this area? We have 2 kids 8 and 5 and am looking for a suburb which is child friendly. Any general advice/pointers?


Thanks in advance



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Guest cheshire lass

Not sure if this will work but this is a pic of the Geelong Bay and if you look hard enough there are a few stacks/pipes this is the Shell Refinery. The people are my cousins visiting from Liverpool. They wanted to stay!

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Guest cheshire lass

can't figure out how to make a big one, the view is not to bad, i often wish it wasn't there but i suppose when it was built they never thought Geelong would be such a tourist place. All the posh houses look out over toward it so it can't be that bad. i will try and get some better pics. They have spent millions doing the waterfront up all along the shoreline. Alcoa is to the extreme right of my pic. That juts out on its own Point. Thats why they call the plant Point Henry (hubby works there) there is a nature reserve for water birds all around the plant and it is not a bad beach outside the plant. Geelong is a lovely place to bring up a family,very laid back we are

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Guest cheshire lass

yes i do like it here, sometimes i wish it was a bit tropical like Qld but after a few days of really hot weather i am glad.Plus where would i go for holidays if i lived there. It has been quite a while since i went to Melb about 3 months ago. i took grandson to aquarium! only go there for something special or see a show. We have everything here,we even have an airport (Avalon) now for internal flights and selected international places. So thats another bonus. We are not far to the lovely beaches and rainforrest area.We are even 3 hours drive to see snow if you want!

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Guest cheshire lass

Just noticed you are from Scotland,you might be interested if you come to Geelong. We have a very large Highland Games here each year also in my town Portarlington we have the Celtic Festival in July. Quite a lot of Scots reside in Geelong. Also we have 3 large Hospitals and heaps of Aged Care facilities. i am in Aged Care work. Not sure what field of Nursing you are into?

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Just noticed you are from Scotland,you might be interested if you come to Geelong. We have a very large Highland Games here each year also in my town Portarlington we have the Celtic Festival in July. Quite a lot of Scots reside in Geelong. Also we have 3 large Hospitals and heaps of Aged Care facilities. i am in Aged Care work. Not sure what field of Nursing you are into?


Geelong sounds better by the day, maybe folk will understand my mumblings with there being many Scots around:smile:

It's typical that the Celtic festival would be in one of the colder months, just to try and make it more authentic for us of blue complexion!


You will find myself and Pamela posting on occasion, but I think I can speak for her tonight as she is working, she is a RN working in medical admissions for the last few years.

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Guest Trina Findlay

Just want to agree wth everything CheshireLass says... yes, you can see the refineries, but they don't take over the view by any stretch of the imagination. Oh, and my husband works at Alcoa too! Your partner and mine probably know each other!! They do call the salt fields surrounding the plant "Mordor", but it's mostly hidden from the road by hedges, and if you're driving, it's out of sight in a minute or two!! Rest of Geelong and the surrounding beaches and countryside are beautiful.

The houses overlooking the bay are stunning - I've already seen my dream house up on the hill, and I always take a slight detour on my way home to drive past it!! The town's got everything you could need. Melbourne is easily accessible, but I don't go up there too much, although it is a beautiful city.

I would strongly recommend it - oh, and though I'm not a full-blood Scot, I am 50% there!

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The shell plant you can see the stacks from the bay but they are a fair way away in N Geelong so more of a few stacks on the skyline than a big obvious plant. The Alcoa plant is out of town and at one end of the bay so again you can see it but it just looks like big sheds frm the beach front. Unless you are actually on the beach front itself as well you won't see either at all.


Belmont, Highton and Newtown are lovely suburbs on the river (loads of walks and parks for the kids) so you cna get a good outdoors lifestyle without having to be right on the beach front as well. Also round onto the Bellarine peninsula into the smaller towns you can have the beach lifestyle without the industry at all and at only 20 -40 mins drive from Geelong on open, straight no traffic roads its an easy run for commuting.


Check out our web site if you want to see photos of the area. Welcome to the Shermans Down Under our Antipodean Adventure

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Hi We are also consdering a move to Geelong. Portarlington looks particulary attractive to us. I am a nurse with a background in Oncology and palliative care, what hospitals are around this area and how far would I have to travel?


We have our 175 visa, waiting to sell house before we can move but coming over end of March to validate visa. We also want to look at the schools in this area. We need both High school and primary. What schools do children attend from the portarlington area?


I am thinking about staying at Barwon Valley Lodge, is this ok? Also oh works in a warehouse over here. What are job prospects like there? They are pretty grim here at the moment.


Any info greatly appreciated


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Guest cheshire lass

Vanessa, if you are thinking Portarlington is for you,it is an easy 30 min commute to Geelong where there are 2 Hospitals with Oncology and Palliative Care Dept.Also we have a large house called Anam Cara House for Palliative Respite.Where you are thinking of staying is along the river near Highton/Belmont while it seems nice is rather expensive for long stay,much better to rent somewhere.You are only 10 min from Hosp here.There are schools in Drysdale 10 min from Port,we only have a Primary school. There is plenty of school busses that take them to diferent schools. Wherever you end up in Geelong area you are not far from a school. The Hosp are called Saint John of God and Barwon Palliative Care at Geelong Hosp. Drop them a line and see what they say,can't hurt

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Guest cheshire lass

Vannessa, don't know whether this site might help you get a heads up on prices and locations. it is one of many agents we have. stockdaleleggo.com.au cjkeanes is another one

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Guest kevin747
Geelong sounds better by the day, maybe folk will understand my mumblings with there being many Scots around:smile:

It's typical that the Celtic festival would be in one of the colder months, just to try and make it more authentic for us of blue complexion!


You will find myself and Pamela posting on occasion, but I think I can speak for her tonight as she is working, she is a RN working in medical admissions for the last few years.



We are returning to Scotland in 6 weeks. The refinery is in Corio .Avoid Corio ,Norlane and Whittington.Geelong is very different to Melbourne (1 hour by train). I don't know what in Scotland you have to compare it with but it's a dull place IMO.-Small town mentality.

Try Barwon Health for employment.


Good luck


PS I was at the Celtic festival in Portarlington last time .It was not very good (embarrasing) if you are used to music festivals

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Well if by small town mentality you mean community feel and friendly people then yes. Everyone in Aus is proud of where they live / come from as far as I can tell and Geelong is no exception.


Of course you won't be able to tell whether it will suit you until you arrive and get the feel of the place but we really like it. It is almost universally derided by Melburnians by the way, but when you ask them when they were last there, most have either never actually been or it was 10 years ago, or they just drove through to get to the surf coast.


Its a smaller city (but not small by any means) and it has good facilities for the outdoors, markets in the area every weekend in the summer, events on the waterfront at least every 3 weeks in the summer (so far anyway Nov-Jan) facilities on the waterfront for swimming and other leisure activities, the north facing beach, minutes from the surf coast and the surrounding wine and olive growing region. If you want to get an idea about whats on check out www.whatsoningeelong.com.au of course if you like the city life with loads of events ever night of the week it might not be for you, but there are definitely things going on.

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Guest kevin747
Well if by small town mentality you mean community feel and friendly people then yes. Everyone in Aus is proud of where they live / come from as far as I can tell and Geelong is no exception.


Of course you won't be able to tell whether it will suit you until you arrive and get the feel of the place but we really like it. It is almost universally derided by Melburnians by the way, but when you ask them when they were last there, most have either never actually been or it was 10 years ago, or they just drove through to get to the surf coast.


Its a smaller city (but not small by any means) and it has good facilities for the outdoors, markets in the area every weekend in the summer, events on the waterfront at least every 3 weeks in the summer (so far anyway Nov-Jan) facilities on the waterfront for swimming and other leisure activities, the north facing beach, minutes from the surf coast and the surrounding wine and olive growing region. If you want to get an idea about whats on check out www.whatsoningeelong.com.au of course if you like the city life with loads of events ever night of the week it might not be for you, but there are definitely things going on.


I have a house in a Scottish village and it has more life than Geelong. Everywhere is closed to early. It's a work- sleep -work -sleep lifestyle.

I have lived in cities .IMO Geelong is boring and small town

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Guest Trina Findlay
I have a house in a Scottish village and it has more life than Geelong. Everywhere is closed to early. It's a work- sleep -work -sleep lifestyle.

I have lived in cities .IMO Geelong is boring and small town


I guess the thing is that everyone has different tastes and likes different things in their home town. If everyone liked the same things, the world would be a very boring place, and you'd probably just have one big city with everyone crammed in...


There are things which I love about Geelong, and things that I don't like quite so much - but the same could be said of everywhere else I've ever lived, or in fact visited..


No, it's not the cultural epicentre of the Universe - the only museum of any note is the Wool Museum... but if you want culture, there's plenty of museums/galleries etc etc in Melbourne, which isn't far, especially in Australian terms.


Not being much into the pub & club scene I couldn't really speak for opening hours, but the nights when I have been out, places have still been open when I'm ready to go home (and no, that wasn't at 10pm!!). And as for shops and supermarkets, they're open late - no Sunday opening hours here, the local Coles is open til about 10pm I think...


For me it's got a very similar feel to Adelaide, a place which I also love, and which many fellow travellers find boring. But it's got that great community feel, like Geelong, and Adelaideans call it a "big country town".


As for the "work-sleep-work" lifestyle - err, I can't say that I've experienced that at all. If anything, the people that I've met, the people that I work with, and my friends and family, definitely subscribe to the Work To Live philosophy, and get through their working day so they can get on with the serious business of Life!


Even my in-laws and their circle of friends make fun of "G-Town" or "Gee-Hole" but they still love it - it kind of creeps up on you and you can't help liking it - well, that's me, anyway. It's like that poor cousin that none of the family want anything to do with, but if you sit down and have a chat with them, you realise it's actually pretty cool, has a warm heart, and some amazing stories to tell!!


I guess, as with anywhere you're thinking of, the best bet would be to come and spend some time here if you can, before making any commitment.


Good luck and keep us updated!:v_SPIN:

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Thanks for all the replies folks.

I still like the sound of Geelong, although I'm more open towards Melbourne now.


The negative comments have to be considered too, and we'll have to have a look for ourselves. If I moved there and it was anything like Grangemouth, I would be gutted!


A lot will depend on where Pam gets offered a job I suppose.

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Seriously come and have a look, Melbourne is a big city so if you want the big suburban sprawl and everything in the centre then it will suit you more.


Trust me though Geelong is NOTHING like Grangemouth lol ! I used to live in S****horpe, (dirty big steelworks on one side) and here the industry is either at the very north or out on point Henry (15 mins drive from anywhere) its not industrial by UK terms.

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Guest cheshire lass

it seems to me that once your mind wants to go back "home" everything turns to a negative, so if you can't find the strenth to fight it,better to go back as one thing that will be a barrier for you here is to be a Whinging Pom


Now for those that are openminded and ready to grasp that chance and look at the positives Geelong Australia - Geelong Living :cool:

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I agree that if you're going home then you will see the negatives more, like the guy on the weather thread that reckons it's too cold to sit outside never mind use a pool.

But we all have our own opinions and it's still interesting to hear all the viewpoints though.

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  • 2 weeks later...


We live in Melbourne, but we stayed in Geelong (Newcomb) last year, and sometimes travel through it to get to Surf Coast beaches.


Geelong is a nice enough place, but quite sedate as you would expect from a smaller city, and shops do tend to close a lot more than in Melbourne and bigger cities in the uK


Some lovely beaches within 30 mis drive - we love Torquay and Barwon Heads.


However parts of North Geelong are to be avoided at all costs. Very similar to bad areas in the UK - gangs of feral teenagers etc.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Bookie40

Hi all,


Thought I would put in a word in for Geelong.We've been here 2plus years (from Birmingham,UK). Love the feel of the place compared to where we were living in a big city back in the UK. Have 2 children at Primary school who have made loads of friends and do plenty of activities.Don't seem to notice the Plants down in Geelong now!Great community feel, near to good beaches and can always go up to Melbourne if have a need for the city.Bought our first olive tree at the "Battle of Bannockburn" festival (in Bannockburn!).email if you need any info.

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