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Guest Trina Findlay

I guess it depends on what you're looking for - no one would pretend that Geelong is a bustling metropolis, but to be honest, that's one of the things I like about it! It has that Big Country Town feel, and yes, it does have its not quite so nice areas, but show me a place that doesn't!

I would agree with Heidi, if you're going to Melbourne anyway, come and visit Geelong too. And you don't have to travel half an hour to find a lovely beach - Ocean Grove and Barwon Heads are just beautiful, and only about 15 minutes away. There's even Archie, the resident dolphin, down there, just waiting for a new friend or two to visit!!

Let me know if you need a tour guide when you're here!

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Agree with most comments, there are some great areas in Geelong and surrounds as mentioned by Heieiup (sp?) and also some rough areas. We chose Geelong over Melbourne and hubby was working in melb, lots commute from Geel to melb on the train etc. Geelong is more relaxed, coast areas even more so. If you are going to settle it is all about finding the right school and suburb (and hopefully they are in the same area).

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I lived in Geelong when I first came out in a year and a half ago. Lovely place. We lived in Highton which is quite a nice area. The only reason we had to move was because of my bf's job. We now live in Adelaide.


I have loads of pics of Geelong but it won't let me attach any:no:

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Thanks for that. It looks beautiful. After doing my own research, I am keen to live there and as a nurse I have been looking at Geelong Hospital. Hope something comes up.


Would it be to far to commute from Geelong to the Royal Melbourne Hospital?

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Thanks for that. It looks beautiful. After doing my own research, I am keen to live there and as a nurse I have been looking at Geelong Hospital. Hope something comes up.


Would it be to far to commute from Geelong to the Royal Melbourne Hospital?


Melbourne is an hours drive/train journey away

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Guest cheshire lass

UKtoOZ,have you checked out Geelongs other hosp,called St John of God it is very large and they have nearly finished a 6 story Day Stay Wing should imagine heaps of Nursing staff are wanted. looks like it will be finished by the end of year

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