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To people who haven't settled yet.

Guest maxytiff

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Guest maxytiff

Hi all,


Just wanted to say that I moved to Ireland nearly four years ago from London where i was born and bred, we are relocating to Oz in February from Ireland tho me and my boyfriend are both from london. I absolutely HATED ireland when when we moved here, i mean HATED it and if hadn't been for the fact that my whole family lives here i would've been back to london in a shot, then after a couple of years i just sort of started to settle in without even realising it. I didn't think i'd ever settle here and i would compare everything to how it was back 'home', the driving, weather, shops, peoples mentality, peoples attitude's, lifestyle e.t.c. e.t.c.! Don't get me wrong i still do get annoyed at certain things especially the driving, then i'll pop back to london to see OH family and i'll realise that some drivers in London are just as bad as they are in Ireland and the weather is just as bad and that some people are muppets in uk like they are in Ireland. I think its just easier to moan about the country where you were born as its your home and when you relocate to a new country on top of all the everyday s**t that you have to put up with you also have to contend with the fact that your not a local and you are in fact a foriegner. Who knows I might get to Oz and hate it too and be on the first flight home but it honestly really does get easier with time when you move. I hope everyone is not thinking for me to shut up as i only moved from england to ireland so what do i know, but uk and eire couldn't be more different. I really hope that everyone who is sad in Oz settles in soon and starts to love it there. Also one more thing, I used to get really angry when I was made to feel like a foriegner here or if people used to call me a 'tan' (as in black in tan) and then i started to think that not everyone is the same and it isn't everyone that makes me feel like that so why would i hate Ireland because of just a handle of people. Now i love Ireland and i totally feel like i've intergrated here and i embrace everything as though i belong here, just as that happens we are upping sticks and monving to Oz so i have to go through it all again.lol!

Good luck to everyone. xx

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I so know what you mean!


My OH and I moved to Co Dublin in 1995/6, we started out married life there, had our son there and then moved back to UK 4 years ago.


I loved Ireland and although there were some things we missed int he shops we got used to it and gradually our visits back to UK involved less and less shopping (but of course, the shops gradually moved over to Ireland as well!!).


Then when we moved back to UK, we ended up in a town I had never visited before and I so hated it. It has taken me three years to settle. Reverse culture shock is as bad as the real thing.


They say beware, Australia isn't England with sun. Similarly Ireland isn't England with rain, is it?


Thanks for your post. I do think our experience of moving already will stand us in good stead. I hope we can also offer some reassurance to those moving so far on their first migration!

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Guest maxytiff

Hey buddysmum,


I definitly agree with you. As a few people on here have said I definitly think the fact we have already moved out of the UK will only help us settle easier in Oz (i hope,lol). The only negative thing that i've found with having lived away from London for 3 years is that if for any reason things don't work out in Australia (for any reason) then where do I come 'home' too? Ireland or London. Anyway hopefully it won't come to that and i'll love Oz. And no, Ireland is most definitly not England with rain, although it certainly has the rain...and then some.


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Hello,,,,new member here,,,just joined today hoping to get some positive thoughts from you guys that have been here longer than us.


We have been on the sunny coast for just over a year now and I (hubby)love it but the wife absolutely hates it and I think I have heard the words 'I wanna go home' a million times...


She says that she has never been so lonely in her life and I am running out of 'it will be ok ' phrases,,,,any ideas ?

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Guest maxytiff

Ahh, thats sad. What about going to a 'meet' that i've seen organised on this website? Has she not any met any friends at work yet? How old are you two marty?


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