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Asked for an Australian police check

Guest Faye&Matt

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Guest Faye&Matt

I've just heard back from my c/o today (very quick! :smile:) but they've asked for an Australian police check. I've spent 11 months and about 27 days there on a working holiday visa so I can understand that that is classed as living there but the only other time is about 2 months I spent there in 2000 on a holiday visa. Obviously they have combined the two times and as that is more than 12 months have classed me as living there but I'm not sure why they would include a holiday to be living there.


I now have to apply for an Aus police check but as I was travelling I don't have any addresses to include on the application apart from hostels, etc. and a short term rental which was only for 2 months. I'm going to have to use my UK address as my main address even for the time when I was in Australia apart from the two months I rented a flat when I was on my working holiday. Do you think this will matter that even though they know I was in Australia I still had a UK address?


Has anyone applied for an Aus police check? How long roughly did they take? I know it says 30 days but has anyone had it quicker? This is such a pain having to do this when I never even thought about getting one before!!! I've left a message on my c/o's answerphone but think I'll email him too just so I know he has got the message.



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Hey guys,

Great news about getting a CO so quickly!

My partner had to apply for an Oz clearance too, but he'd been there for about 4 years so his was a bit easier to do. I'm not sure they will be able to do it on a UK address, so maybe put the address you were living at for the longest? Though, again, I'm not actually sure on this so it may be OK to use your UK one, but if you're not sure and you don't want it too be held up I'd go with just using the place you were at longest.

In terms of how long it took to came back, ours was back within 2 or 3 weeks, not long at all. I think it was closer to 2 actually. And even though we forgot to put a paid international envelope with his app they still managed to get it back to us in the UK within a reasonable time.

Anyway good luck with it all!


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Has anyone applied for an Aus police check? How long roughly did they take? I know it says 30 days but has anyone had it quicker? This is such a pain having to do this when I never even thought about getting one before!!! I've left a message on my c/o's answerphone but think I'll email him too just so I know he has got the message.





Hi Faye,

My aussie police check came back to me via post in 10 days, it was quite quick

good luck


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Guest Faye&Matt

Hi Stuju, was that just the regular one that they tell you to do or was that some super fast, pay extra one that I don't know about? Was that sent to the UK or was that in Aus as well?

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Guest slipshot
Hi Stuju, was that just the regular one that they tell you to do or was that some super fast, pay extra one that I don't know about? Was that sent to the UK or was that in Aus as well?


That is very quick...


Mine, sent from the UK about 1.5 months ago, took 31 days to get back, and I had two addresses in Aus that needed to be checked.


That said, from what I understand the addresses are really to ensure that they do not have ten people with the same name in the same location - more to ensure they can differentiate you, so I would go best guess on your addresses and see what happens.


I'm sure you'll be fine...

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Hi Stuju, was that just the regular one that they tell you to do or was that some super fast, pay extra one that I don't know about? Was that sent to the UK or was that in Aus as well?

It was just a regular police check no fast paid service or anything & i sent it off in oz and it came back to my oz address, dont know if there is an option to have a check done at speed - i was not informed of any other options


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Guest Faye&Matt

Thanks for the replies. I have just had a very mad dash to get to the post office to send it off after work. Only just made it! In the end I put down I think 5 addresses or whatever was the maximum they had but two (including my current) were UK ones. I know there was no point putting them down really but as they wanted for ten years I thought I'd better fill up the gaps so there wasn't an 8 year missing that they would be wondering about. I hope that having 3 Aussie addresses down won't hold it up. 31 days seems ages but I suppose it is OK. We are just so anxious about the visa that if we'd have known that we needed it we'd have applied months ago. The part where it says about having lived in a country is very misleading. I got a very curt reply back from my C/O today where he says it is cumulative time spent in a country which is not what it says on the form!Oh well... lol

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  • 1 month later...
Guest tommyguns

I'm just waiting on my aussie police check now, sent in mid december. Looking at your profile your visa was granted the date after you scanned your police certificate is that right?? very encouraging!!!

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Guest Faye&Matt

Yes, my visa was granted the day after I sent my Aussie police check down to London so was great to get it back so soon. We were worried it was going to take ages as we didn't think they would start looking at our application until after they had got the police check. Good luck with your visa!

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Guest Maloney

I'm currently waiting for my Australian Police Check which was also sent mid December - it's so frustrating and you can't even contact them to see if they got them ok can you!!


Did you guys send everything else in first? I have sent everything else they asked for, but am a bit worried it wont come in time for the 49 days I have been given.

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Guest Faye&Matt

We thought we sent everything but then they unexpectedly asked for an Aus police check which is why we were so worried we wouldn't get it back in time as we'd already booked our flights! We had problems with them sending back the money order as it hadn't been signed and then they sent it to my boyfriends mum rather than us,etc but we still got it back in about 4 weeks and that was over Christmas as well. I'm sure yours will come back in time!

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Guest Maloney

Thank you! The waiting is horrible isn't it - but lovely to hear from people who have had theirs granted.


Do you know what happens after you have your medicals? I have been emailed to say they have been sent to Australia House, but do they contact me to say if they were all ok? I have no idea so assume they were ok!


Sorry for all the questions I just can't relax until it all goes through ok!



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Guest Faye&Matt

I had to go back to the doctors a week later and they said mine were fine. Can you ring up the doctors you went to and ask them?

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Guest Maloney

Yeah I did and they said they will let me know when they get sent to Australian High Commission and that they deal with it from there. Ooh am a little worried now!

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Guest Faye&Matt

It's probably just different doctors have different rules just like they charge different prices. I wouldn't worry about that if I were you!

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Guest Maloney

Thanks - I need to learn to stop worrying over this thing!


Thanks for your help though! All the best in you're new life in Australia!

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Guest tommyguns

Hi again, can you put my mind at rest? I received my Aussie police check (Yey!) it's the last thing they need. It look a bit rubbish though! it's not really a certificate, more like a piece of paper with a letter head. The letter headisn't even colour. Is this the same as you guys got?? it was folded up in quite a small envolope.


Hopefully not long for us now if we anything like you guys



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Guest tommyguns

Hi (Tried to post this erlier bt it didn't seem to work)


I got my police certifiate but it looks a bit rubbish, its not really a certificate, more like a letter with a AFP letter head.


Was this the same as yours?

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Guest Faye&Matt

Thats how mine was! My UK police certificate was really fancy with a photo and a certificate and looked really good but my Aussie one was just a letter with what looked like one of those computer signatures! When I first got it I thought it was a photocopy they'd sent me! lol

Good luck with your visa. I'm sure you'll hear back soon once you send it off!

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Guest Maloney



I got mine today too - yay!! Mine looked the same as yours! All that hassle just for a letter, but hey at least it's here now!

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