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Help!!! Police certificate nightmare!! 175 skilled migration

Guest tommyguns

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Guest tommyguns

Hi all.

I just had an email from the case officer (good news)

They want a different police certificate from the one I uploaded. (Bad news)

I sent one through ACPO (Uk) it says on it “For immigration purposes”

The CO says I need to submit Australian Federal Police Clearance not a UK Police Clearance

Can anybody shed some light on this for me? (i.e the website to download it from and how long it will take to get one)

Any help will be really gratefully accepted


Tom Phillips – A new and slightly frustrated member

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Guest slipshot
Hi all.


I just had an email from the case officer (good news)

They want a different police certificate from the one I uploaded. (Bad news)


I sent one through ACPO (Uk) it says on it “For immigration purposes”


The CO says I need to submit Australian Federal Police Clearance not a UK Police Clearance


Can anybody shed some light on this for me? (i.e the website to download it from and how long it will take to get one)


Any help will be really gratefully accepted




Tom Phillips – A new and slightly frustrated member


Hi Tom


Simply put, I would imagine in the past ten years you have lived, or spent over 12 months in Australia. Given this is the case, you will need an Australian police check.


You need to obtain Form 1101 from the immi website and download it, print it off and send it to Aus. Along with an Aus check for $43-00 as is the current price.


When I applied from the UK it took 21 days to receive it back.


Someone on here recently sent one off with a UK cheque attached - I'm not sure if they accept that so to be safe you would be worth sending it to a friend in Aus and getting them to write a cheque, or getting a draft from the UK - but that will cost a lot more.


Hope that helps...

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Guest tommyguns

cheers guys!!! yeah I got a mate in sydney who I'm sure would send the money. Can I send him an english check to cash in Australian Hsbc for the equiveland amount in £?

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Guest Gollywobbler

Hi Tommy


HSBC will provide a Bank draft, in Australian dollars, made out to the Australian Federal Police or whatever is needed if you instruct them to do so. They would charge you £15 or £20 for producing it but it might be quicker than asking your friend in Sydney to help?


Do not panic unduly about deadlines set by your CO. Just keep the CO informed of progress and you will find that that is sufficient.


Best wishes



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Guest tommyguns

Thanks for the advise!


What I'm gonna do is this, see what ya reckon. I'll send the form to my friend in Sydney with $43 cash (from currence exchange) he will send them a check with the form and keep the cash. If he sends them a stamped address envolope to his address the certificate will go to him in Sydney and he can scan it to me the same day. How complicated???

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Guest slipshot
Thanks for the advise!


What I'm gonna do is this, see what ya reckon. I'll send the form to my friend in Sydney with $43 cash (from currence exchange) he will send them a check with the form and keep the cash. If he sends them a stamped address envolope to his address the certificate will go to him in Sydney and he can scan it to me the same day. How complicated???


I reckon no.


I am faryl sure that a scanned copy of the certificate will not be sufficient and you'll endaving to do it all again. If you do as you suggest, complete for the form with your details, then send it toa friend who will write the cheque and send it on to the police.


They then do the checks and send the certificate to you - and not your friendsbecause it does not matter where the money comes from, but who's name is on the form. This is what I did, and while a friend in Aus wrote the cheque, the certficate still came back to me.


I think you'd be making a mistake to scan it... It's a police certificate, surely they would want that either certified or the original if not only the latter?

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Guest tommyguns

Ok I'll put an envolope in the package with my address on and get one of those international reply coupons. I'll have to scan the origional anyways myself cause I e-lodged my application so I scan everything.


Thanks for all the advice

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
Guest MoDSilva

Hi everyone..


I also received a letter from my C/O requesting a police clearance check from Australia. I applied for it 2 weeks ago. I sent the completed form to my sister in Australia and got her to get a money order for AUD43.00. However, I did not include a international postal reply coupon..


I am worried that this will be a problem. The current address I stated on the form is also my postal address.. I hope they will send it to me without the IRC... Does anyone know whether this is a problem and if so what i should do about it??


thanks heaps

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Guest tommyguns

nah don't worry. I think as part ofthe $43 they pay for the posting. Mine came in their envolope and they hadn't used the coupon I sent



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Guest MoDSilva

oh really?? Thats good to hear!! Its so hard to get through to the AFP in Australia... I was freaking out a bit.. so how long did it take for you to get your certificate??

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

how did you guys sent the application form to AFP?

My application form was sent through UPS but personal at AFP today refused to received my package. why is this so? now i am in total dilemma and don't know what to do next.

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