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police checks and medical

Guest kevykev400

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Guest kevykev400



We are starting our application for a de facto visa. We are just wondering how we go about getting a uk police check and also once we book an appointment with a panel doctor, are we then referred to a radiologist? Could anyone give us some idea of the time scale? Also is a justice of the peace the best person to go to for certified copies? We really are a bit clueless and we're finding the task ahead a wee bit daunting. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!

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go to the immigration site to find out about medicals what normal happens is you book your meds and xray at a near by hospital independently but on the same day can't say anything about time scale but you only have a year from the date of the meds to enter oz no matter how long your visa takes so i would wait to be asked by your case officer when you get one.

as for justice of peace it might be easier just to go to a solicitors

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Guest Gollywobbler


We are starting our application for a de facto visa. We are just wondering how we go about getting a uk police check and also once we book an appointment with a panel doctor, are we then referred to a radiologist? Could anyone give us some idea of the time scale? Also is a justice of the peace the best person to go to for certified copies? We really are a bit clueless and we're finding the task ahead a wee bit daunting. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!


Hi there


Welcome to Poms in Oz.


Are you in the UK and planning to apply for the visa in the UK? If so, all the information you need is on the website of the Australian High Commission in London, which is where you will lodge the application and it will be processed in London.


Visas and migration - Australian High Commission


Click on the police link and it tells you what to do. Via the Health link you can access the list of doctors & radiologists and you will find the two Forms (26 & 160) down at the bottom of that page.


You have to organise the x-rays yourself. It is worth getting those done a few days before you see the Panel Doctor so that he will have looked at the x-rays before he sees you. If there is a choice of Panel Doctors and x-ray clinics within a reasonable radius of you, it is worth phoning them all to check on prices and how soon they could give you an appointment. You will find that both vary quite a bit between one place and the next and you can choose whatever combination suits you.


Get the police and the meds done before you submit the visa application. It saves time. Never mind that you will not have a case number. The AHC will hang on to the meds until the visa application arrives and then they will match the two together. Insist that the panel doctor sends the meds to London and not to Sydney because Partner visa meds are processed in London.


Get a solicitor to certify the documents. The usual charge is £5 per document which you pay in cash on the day. It is one of the (few) perks of being a solicitor: you get given the odd bit of beer money! Some COs will accept documents which have not been certified by a solicitor. Others are sticklers. Avoid potential hassle, I suggest.


Best wishes



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Guest slipshot


We are starting our application for a de facto visa. We are just wondering how we go about getting a uk police check and also once we book an appointment with a panel doctor, are we then referred to a radiologist? Could anyone give us some idea of the time scale? Also is a justice of the peace the best person to go to for certified copies? We really are a bit clueless and we're finding the task ahead a wee bit daunting. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!


Just been there and done it. My comments:


UK police check - takes about 10 days and is very easy. ACPO is the place to go to - costs £35. Here's the link Association of Chief Police Officers Vacancies


For meds and the xray, phone around the local ones to you from the list on the Immi website and see who does what. Some places do it all at once, which is what I did, as it saves time and means you know everything will get sent. I paid £270 for them both, and they were dispatched within 5 days of me having had them. They go directly to the embassy so it's all very easy.


Timescale - they seem to be asking for a Form 80 to be completed after receiving your docs (not always though), which adds on time. For me, start to finish was less than a month, including submittal of all forms. They asked for Form 80, I sent it two days later, and two days after they had received it the visa was granted.


Certified copies - I had about 20 certified (since I had to get Mrs Slip and our three kids passports and birth certificates certified as well), and did a deal with a local solicitor who said he'd charge per portion of time used, at £150 per hour, which I thought was fair, so I went prepared with everything ready to lay out as quickly as possible. On arrival, he said he thought that as unfair and would charge me a flat rate of £15 for anything I needed. Top bloke!


Visa was granted last week (Wed) so you know this is recent info!


Good luck although it really is not that difficult compared to virtually all other visa's.



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