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Passing the visa with a skeletal condition


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Hi all,


My wife and I are considering emigration to Oz at the moment, for all the obvious reasons but also particularly because she is in a lot of pain with a skeletal condition and the simple fact is that she feels better in a warmer climate. My worry is that we might be in a Catch-22 here in that we want to go to Oz for the sake of her health, but her health might be the thing that stops us getting in :(


We'd be taking the skilled visa route, using my IT skills. It seems that the big things in the medical are TB / AIDS / Hep. etc and we're clear on all of those. My wife is fully mobile, has a good life expectancy, is currently working and will continue to be able to work and her condition isn't progressive in the way that - say - MS would be. We'll be able to manage the star jumps and toe-touching if they crop up!


So... what do you reckon? Anyone here been in a similar situation? I'm *really* hoping that we won't fail in our attempt because of her condition...




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There is no easy answer ,i too had a medical condition that we thought could prevent us getting a visa but it all turned out ok in the end. I hadto go for extra checks after our original medical and have a specialist report submitted,they seemed to looking at my cost on the health system over the next 10 years. We used an agent for all our visa aplication and even they said ''theres no way of knowing until its done'', they did suggest doing and submitting medicals first BEFORE the application but i didnt look into this much so not sure whats involved. Good luck with everything

Cal x

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Guest The Pom Queen

Hi Tarby

Like Cal says they look at how much the condition would cost the health service over here. Is your wife under any kind of specialist and if so can you get him to write s report to say that she wouldn't be a drain on the health service etc, etc. From what you say it sounds promising but we are no experts and are only guessing. Have you spoke with a migration agent, they may have had someone in a similar position and be able to advise how things turned out for them.

Good luck and I hope it works out for you both.


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Guest tony and sheena

Hi Tarby,


I have scoliosis and was told that I would possibly be refered to the medical officer. I put all down on the form. My condition is worsening and will probably require major surgery in the future. However, it was never queried and our visa was granted without delay.


Hope this will ease the worries.


Best wishes


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Guest tony and sheena

Sorry, should have added that even if your condition is not scoliosis, Gollywobbler sent me a very useful link which covers skeletal conditions. I'll see if I can find it, but in the meantime, type scoliosis into SEARCH and try to find the post.


Good luck.

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