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Wanted down under BBC2 tonight


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Guest guest17301

Think a lot depends on if you have a job to go to. Seems a lot of people go out and use savings to live on for a while. If you start work straight away you have your day to day expenses covered and will just need to cover the cost of initial home set up costs etc.

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Guest The Hoys hoping.........

I have just finished watching it. They pay £165 per week in rent to live on the beach. That was quite expensive they said. She was working part time and his income was commission based. They used I think (correct me if I am wrong) £10k to furnish their rental and to buy a car, the rest of the money from the sale of their house in Uk wil be used to buy a house in a couple of years.


They also used their saving to fund themselves until they found jobs, about 4 months for her she said.


Lovely to see a happy ending and to hear her talking postively instead of moaning all the time( as she was first time round)

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Guest guest17301

That will be why they struggled at first then. It stands to reason that if you don't start work immediately you will need lots of cash! If I was not working straight away I would budget for £8000 to last 4 months. Fortunately I will be working as soon as we land (will have 2 weeks to acclimatise first) Have saved my annual leave to tide us over so will have pay from job in UK. We will be taking only the proceeds from the sale of our cars and furniture etc and using that money to set us up. Also will have a small amount of cash for unexpected expenses etc. I don't see this as a problem as we have limited funds in the Uk and seem to manage so shouldn't be any different in Oz!!

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Guest The Hoys hoping.........

Think it is a recent update as it was a 'revisited' wanted down under. I assumed it was earlier on this year!


Could be wrong though!

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