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Innovation and Early Careers Skills Exchange Pilot

Wannabe Aussie

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Just wondered if anyone had any tips for finding prospective employment I Australia so I can apply for this new pilot visa. 

The eligibility requirements are:

  • be aged between 21 and 45 (inclusive) at the time of application
  • hold tertiary qualifications
  • have worked for at least 3 months in their current role, and the prospective employment in Australia must be relevant to the applicant's field of work in their current role
  • have prospective employment in Australia in an occupation defined at the skill level 1 2 or 3.

However I am unsure how to find an actual job/employer to satisfy the last requirement of having prospective employment. Is it literally just a case of making applications to Australian employers and letting them know I would be eligible for this visa if I am successful in my application?

I guessing I would have to have a job offer before I could apply for this visa but seems like it would be very difficult to get a job offer as I currently don't have any working right in Australia.

Thanks 👍

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To be honest, not sure many Australian employers will even have heard of this.  Was a totally new one on me, entirely.  Apparently it's something that came in as part of that free trade deal? https://www.dfat.gov.au/publications/trade-and-investment/benefits-tech-entrepreneurs-and-innovators/iecsep. The honest truth is, there was very, very, very little published in the news over here about the free trade deal that was signed with the UK. 

The deets on that website seem a little odd, as well.  The short term intra-company transfers / secondments, fair enough, that makes sense.  But the 3 year innovation route sounds weird: one would have thought the roles designed to fall within the scope of that would land on the skills lists for 482/189/190.  Although interesting that they want the applicant to have minimum funds and proof that they can move on after the period of their visa [don't _think_ that's something they require for the 482?  Happy to stand corrected].

No harm in reaching out to employers, I suppose.  But the fair question is: what's the gain for them versus recruiting someone who's onshore - and on a temporary visa pathway they may very well not ever have heard of?

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On 19/11/2023 at 09:16, Wannabe Aussie said:

Just wondered if anyone had any tips for finding prospective employment I Australia so I can apply for this new pilot visa. 

If you read the page BendigoBoy linked to, it says, "The Early Careers stream will give Australian organisations the opportunity to participate in 12-month secondments, placements, or intra-corporate transfers of tertiary qualified UK professionals who are early in their career."

It's only for one year.  I can see international companies using it for secondments or transfers of their own employees from the UK to Australia, but otherwise why would an employer jump through the hoops for this visa, for the sake of just one year?  IMO there would have to be a really acute shortage of qualified employees, for them to even contemplate it. 

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