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Buying property before arrival (final move)


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I am Australian living in the UK for the last 30 years, my husband is Irish and has a spouse resident visa.  We are now planning to move back to WA. My sister back in WA has advised that rentals are hard to come by and as we have two indoor cats to ship we are hoping to be able to buy a property before our final move to give us a "soft landing" and somewhere secure for our pets to be taken to on arrival (post quarantine) as my sister also have indoor cats it will not be possible for us to stay with her in the short term. Can anyone advise if we can get a mortgage in Australia before our permanent arrival and if there are tax implications owing two properties albeit only temporarily? We own our home in the UK and once we have sold that and moved the Australian mortgage would be paid off from the sale.  We are able to travel out to sign bank application / paperwork etc and view properties (if Mark McGowan ever opens WA boarders up!) Thanks any advice would be welcome :)


Apologies if this has been asked before but I couldn't see anything to answer my question

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I doubt you could get an Australian mortgage without proof of an Australian job for one of you. I recall when I got mortgages, you also had to have been in the role for two or three months, I don’t know if that has changed.

Could you sell early and move into rented accommodation in the UK then pay cash for the Australian peoperty

Edited by Marisawright
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Assuming you can get a mortgage for the property without jobs (or an address in Australia), I would still be apprehensive about buying a house "unseen". 

Pictures only tell some of the story and whilst you could ask a relative to take a look, that is a huge responsibility to ask someone to undertake if you then find out it has problems.

Only a very rich person would buy property without seeing it, as they could afford the loss if it turned out to be a "lemon".

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