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Technical interview - Electrician (special class)


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My partner has recently had a successful outcome for his documentary evidence assessment and I am booking on to my technical interview. I was just wondering about people experience with the interview as I can't find a lot of information about it on the vetassess website. How long does the interview usually last? What sort of questions will be asked? and is it quite a formal interview or informal and relaxed?

Thank you in advance for any information.


Edited by Rhian
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Hey Rhian,

I can't help specifically with Electrician but I did mine 2 years ago for Mechanic and I asked the same sort of questions as I was quite nervous. I thought I would be interrogated and they would be trying to trip me up and find any gaps in my knowledge. To make it worse I had to take 2 days off and drive 500 miles to attend the meeting so I was nervous about the possibly of not passing and having to re-sit.

In the end, it was around 2.5 hours long and it was absolutely fine. The Guy was relaxing and actually made a few jokes and other general ozzie humour that helped break the ice. I walked out feeling confident that there was no issue.

One thing i did do was buy some college books to "brush up" on some of the stuff i don't do day-to-day. Most trades I'm sure don't do all the stuff that falls under their remit but for skills assessment purposes you will be asked about a wide variety of things.

they are also very keen on Health & safety. Make sure he mentions safety boots, gloves, insulated screwdrivers or what other PPE he should have on for the task. They do sort of role play scenarios where for example they said to me " customer comes in with a mis-fire on the engine of their car, talk me through the process" rather than say get it on the ramp and plug the diagnostics on etc etc they expect you to say make sure the work area is safe and clear, put adequate PPE on etc etc. The after the job tidy up any mess/spills etc 

Hope that helps.




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  • 2 months later...

Hi, I completed the Vetassess assessment in March 2020 which was an all day event covering practical and theory. The interview itself probably only lasted 30 minutes but then again the assessor was monitoring our experience throughout the day so probably had a good understanding of our knowledge. They basically go through the pre filled assessment forms and ask a few technical questions based on the information YOU provided, I wouldn’t stress to much over it to much but easier said than done.

just remember it’s a technical interview so expect the unexpected.

good luck 

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10 minutes ago, Sparkybaz said:

Hi, I completed the Vetassess assessment in March 2020 which was an all day event covering practical and theory. The interview itself probably only lasted 30 minutes but then again the assessor was monitoring our experience throughout the day so probably had a good understanding of our knowledge. They basically go through the pre filled assessment forms and ask a few technical questions based on the information YOU provided, I wouldn’t stress to much over it to much but easier said than done.

just remember it’s a technical interview so expect the unexpected.

good luck 

Hi Sparkybaz,

Thank you for getting back to us. We are currently waiting for an interview for his technical interview, with covid and Christmas it’s come at the wrong time! Hoping to get a date in the new year! Thank you for the information! He going to look through and brush up on his knowledge ready for the new year

thanks again

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