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UK to Adelaide Flights

North to South

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Just wondered if anyone else has recently booked flights from London to Adelaide because they seem to have rocketed in price and I just wondered if more people are now electing to fly into Adelaide versus Melbourne which is filling the capacity and limiting supply, hence pumping the prices up.

I'm moving to Adelaide so would prefer to do the Quarantine there, but looking at other destinations, Brisbane flights seem to be almost half the price with Ethiad which is what I'm now leaning towards.


Any thoughts/comments would be most welcomed.

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1 hour ago, North to South said:

Just wondered if anyone else has recently booked flights from London to Adelaide because they seem to have rocketed in price and I just wondered if more people are now electing to fly into Adelaide versus Melbourne which is filling the capacity and limiting supply, hence pumping the prices up.

Melbourne airport is closed to international flights.  

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I think it would be best to stick with Adelaide as you will have to hotel quarantine for 14 days wherever you land. If you arrive in another state and then fly on to Adelaide, you will be required to self-quarantine for a further 14 days, so unless you have a residence there in which to isolate, you will have to pay all over again. 

The airfares are insane, but hopefully with the lifting of the international caps in each state, more seats will mean lower fares. With Christmas looming, the airfares are likely to increase even further around that time. There are so many desperate Australia citizens and cashed up PR's wanting/needing tickets that it may take some time for fares to return to any kind of normal. It is an awful situation just now. 

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Hi, I wish I'd booked some tickets when Qatar started operating again into Adelaide because Business Class flights were around £2,800 now they are around £7,500 which is just ludicrous.  I think at the moment you can enter SA without additional quarantining if you're travelling from QLD which makes flying to Brisbane more attractive on price, but less attractive logistically - Please correct me here if I'm wrong.

Thanks 🙂

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Chances are the flight you booked may have been cancelled anyway. This has been happening on a regular basis. I am not sure of the current situation between certain states - it's quite hard to keep up with it all. There seems to be no end of exemptions for celebrities, footballers and their WAGS, FIFO workers and government ministers though, if you can manage to fit into any of those categories. It pays to have a good Travel Agent on the case though.

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