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Spouse visa


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Theoretically you can but you run the risk of being turned around at the border if they suspect you are not being a bone fide tourist.  Is there any reason why you haven't applied for a Prospective Marriage Visa (that would be the most sensible thing to have done) and then, once you are married, applying for a spouse visa which will allow you to work in the interim.  You will definitely need a visa to enter the country.  If you are under 30 and havent had a WHV, that might be a reasonable option otherwise, run the risk of being deemed not to be a proper tourist.

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Thank you so much , it's a minefield , I did look into that , if I apply for pros marr.visa , I was worried it would take months of me waiting in the UK ? For the visa to be approved ..another option was getting married here ,but my Australian bf has to be here 60 days .. , then we have both got  be here for notice of marriage, before we can start the ball rolling , my brain is scrambled ....

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Sadly, it’s Immigration, nothing is quick! If you have applied for the PMV when you first thought about it, you’d have been good to go. So, if you have to wait a few months, what’s the problem? At least you would be arriving on the appropriate visa. I didn’t know that your OH had to be in UK 60 days before you could be married. Mine arrived one Sunday, we got married the next Saturday and flew out on the Wednesday - but that was nearly half a century ago. You know that rules have changed and there are more stringent requirements for sponsoring a partner - he will have to be approved as a sponsor first. 

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Thanks again for all your advice ,  I'm going to apply for perspective marriage visa ,then he can come & spend Xmas with my family & friends  for a holiday , then hopefully I will be able to go back with him, if the visa comes through by then .. ,  I have got time it's just my impatient streak lol ...  I know 60 days ...he's self employed and it's a long time to be out here , plus he has already had three months here nursing me with a hip replacement .. again thank you so much .... 

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