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Visiting Auss while waiting for Visa?


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As the title says....The immigration website/paperwork etc says that you must be offshore/out of the country when the Visa is granted. So once you have submitted your visa application (175 - online) what happens if you wish to visit Auss? Presumably before you have a CO it is no problem, once you have a CO then would you have to notify him of your intended holiday dates?

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Guest Gollywobbler

Hi RaT


There is no reason why you can't visit Oz whilst you wait. If time and funds permit, an extended visit would be possible:


Tourist Visa (Subclass 676)


Personally I would notify the ASPC of your whereabouts in Oz, with contact details, so as to put the onus firmly on them to make contact with you if by some miracle teh application process should speed up. I'd notify them in writing regardless of CO visibility:


Contact Us - Department of Immigration and Citizenship


You could use Form 1022, I guess, though it might be a bit de trop for a short visit..... Personally I'd just complete the on-line form. It is reasonable to suppose that the ASPC staff can read.




Best wishes



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