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Teaching PR visa


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Hi everyone :) 

So I just firstly want to say I don’t know too much so I’m sorry if my questions seem a little ignorant.

I have a degree in law but am thinking of doing either an:

- early years PGCE (0-5) which does not lead to QTS, only early years teacher status 


- a secondary PGCE specialising in computing/ICT (teach first will accept an A level in computing)

I have a daughter and am currently pregnant with baby number two but I’d love to live out in Australia in the future. I have seen that both early years teachers and secondary teachers are in demand. 

I have a few questions:

- would it matter if my degree wasn’t in ICT in Australia? 

- has anyone passed the skills test for an early years teacher coming from the UK? If so, how did you do this? Because on the skills assessment website it says that you have to have experience in ages 0-8 and the early years PGCE is only for ages 0-5?! Or you could do a primary PGCE for ages 3-7 but that misses out ages 0–3 so I’m very confused? 

- Which option would people recommend for maximum work/life balance?

- Does anyone spot any obvious flaws in either plan which would result in me being unable to pass the skills test? 


Thank you! 


P.s. I am writing this whilst deep in morning sickness so apologies for any obvious grammatical errors. 


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If your actual PGCE certificate says early years in the title (my wife’s did) then you should pass the skills assessment. She didn’t have any direct experience of 0-2 but they accepted that the theory module was enough.

in terms of which to do, only you can really answer that. At this moment secondary teachers are probably the ones most sought after but I don’t know about ICT. Early years teacher is on the list but more so to fill jobs in day care which is more like a regular job as opposed to school hours. We are moving in June and this is what we are finding now. Not too many roles in schools and ones that do come up are usually box ticking because the role has already been filled by a supply teacher known to the school. 

I suppose what I am trying to say is pick the route that you would be most happy doing in either country.  There are ways to make either work for you in terms of work/ life balance. Also the process takes so long and demand can change quickly. 

To get a positive skills assessment you will need 4yrs of university study and at least 45 days of supervised teaching experience. 



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Hi there

Hoping to get a little advice. I believe that I am eligible for a 190 and/or 189 visa. I am 41 and a secondary school teacher with 8 years experience in the British system having completed a PGCE. I know that I'm on the cusp of pushing it age wise so want to work out costs etc now and consider putting in an application. 

I'd really appreciated some advice on who to use as a migration agent, whether the 190 or 189 would be more suitable and whether a partner is automatically granted a visa based on yours if you have proof of a lasting relationship (10 years should do it, I hope)!

Any help, much appreciated!


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If you look through the forum, you will see a number of migration agents who post and all are good.

Costs vary by case as it costs some people more due either having a complex case or even things like transporting animals. Overall though, for the entire move (visas, flights etc), allow at least 30k. 

Yes, a de facto partner is included in your application and is granted a visa, assuming they pass the medicals and police check. 

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Make sure you double check that the PGCE course you do meets the current requirements for AITSL skills assessment.  This is in terms of number of years degree/post grad studies (4 years when I applied, ie 3 yr degree + 1 year PGCE) and also number of days teaching practice on your course.  The requirements could change though by the time you are ready to apply...

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