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Medical and Police checks for 309/100 partner visa


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Hello, I’ve had a look through the forum but can’t see anything recent that answers this question:

We submitted my husband’s (and kids) 309/100 Partner Visa at the start of October 2018. Status is ‘Received’ but it does say we need to submit medical and police checks. I’ve submitted my police check as their Sponsor, but we’re not sure we want to spend £500 on Medical’s when they expire after 12m, by which point we might not even have our visa yet. Should we do them anyway and suck up the cost of potentially doing it twice or wait until we’re asked to do it? Sorry if this has been asked many times before! 

Thank you so much for in anticipation. 

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Yea. The case officer will let you know when and where to have all your medicals done. And also, just so you don't start to worry, if anything doesn't fit into their exact tick boxes they ask for a second opinion off the doctors at immigration. My example being my height to weight ratio isn't correct. (Ok. I'm a bit fat!) 😉 so they needed to look into it more.  All fine though. It was just the way they work. The tiniest thing and they need a second opinion.  It's all red tape and nothing to worry about. And it doesn't hold up the grant date either. Just thought I'd mention this as I know it's a very testing time. Been there, bought the T-shirt as they say and any minor hiccup can seem disastrous! 

Good luck!


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Thanks Carol! That's really good to know. I just wish we could see where we were at in the visa queue... me and the other 3657586 people all wanting the same answer. I submitted my police check when I submitted my forms as the Sponsor but as the cost was relatively low, I don't mind having to get a new one if the visa doesn't come through before it expires. Hope you have your visa and are living the good life, wherever you are 🙂

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It was a long and arduous journey but I'm here now with my 2 UK born boys and married to an Aussie. Mind you, having said that I'm an Aussie now! My citizenship was granted last year. 

Stay strong. It's not easy. Aussie immigration don't make it bloody easy!! 😄 


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