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Resident Return Visas


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Hi, our family of 5 are currently permanent residents on 190 visas, these were granted in Oct 2013 so the travel facility ends in Oct 2018.. out of the 5 years we have been in oz for less than 2 years so don’t automatically qualify for the 5 year RRV that looks to be a formality and granted in a matter of days...

I applied for RRVs for our family online on 26th Sept as we wish to return to the UK for Xmas, as mentioned we don’t meet the 2 year requirement but do have a house here, kids in school, money in the bank etc so showed all evidence of this with the application. 2 days after applying (to my surprise as had read it was taking ages) my wife’s and eldest sons visas were granted! Just a 1 year travel facility as expected... but that was it, nearly a month later and the rest of the families visas have not been processed and I have heard nothing more from Home Affairs..

Just concerned as to why only 2 of the families visas are granted as we applied online as a group, surely they would process them together? If and when the others are granted the dates of the visas will be out of sync which isn’t ideal for travelling either..

ive tried calling them but just get the response that it is within processing times so just have to wait.

Has anyone had any similar experiences with RRVs? I think we were lucky to have 2 granted so quickly considering we didn’t meet the 2 year living requirement but to then only have the 2 granted and not the rest when applying as a ‘family group’ doesn’t seem right? 



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I heard from the migration agent who posts here that, RRV's are taking up to 3 months for people who don't meet the 2 years in last 5 years criteria. Your wife and son were lucky to be granted quickly. Even though you applied together, each application is different. You just have to wait.

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