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if you are granted 489, does that guarantee you will definitely get PR?

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Have a read of the permanent visa details here: https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/trav/visa-1/887-

It's a very easy permanent visa to receive as the 489 isn't really seen as a temporary visa; it's a provisional visa that is always intended to lead into permanent residency. The short answer is:

You must have lived in a specified regional area of Australia for at least two years & have worked full time in a specified regional area for at least one year.

The other good news is that if there's more than one of you, the person who qualified for the 489 doesn't have to be the 887 applicant. My MA said that even though it's my wife who is applying for the 489, as we both get our own 489, I can be the one who meets the conditions for permanent residency.

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No, the DHA website makes it pretty clear that a 489 is only up to 4 years.  If you want to remain after 4 years, you need to find another visa which is usually the 887.


Don't assume you will get a PR visa due to holding a 489.  Quite a few 489 holders leave it too late to move over to complete the residency/work requirements, and some struggle to find enough work or spend too much time in an area that doesn't meet the regional criteria.  But assuming you make the effort to arrive fairly promptly and focus on completing the regional work/residency requirements you are probably in good shape.

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