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Yup, agree with the above. 

Chest xray, urine sample, blood test (iirc they test for HIV), BP, quick squiz at the letters on the wall, height, weight, knee reflex, peek in the ears and eyes, general once over and answer a heap of standard medical history questions. That sort of thing. 

As above, if you have a serious medical issue or something long term that requires management, seek professional migration agent advice before lodging. 



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What @snifter said - basically what they want to establish is 

- whether you have a contagious disease (a serious one, like tuberculosis! not the common cold obviously) that would pose a risk to the Australian population

- whether you have a condition that requires (or will require) costly medication & care, as it would be considered as a burden on the Australian health system; the keyword here is "costly" - a myopia is fine, but if you need, say, an organ transplant in the future, that would be flagged.

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33 minutes ago, Noodlejaffa said:

All of the above plus depending on your age and sex you may be a full breast examination too.

I also got questioned about my tattoos - when I had them done and at what establishments.


Interesting! I didn't know they did that (re: questions on tattoos). Makes sense.

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