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Applying for a partner visa


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Hi all, i'm sorry if this has been asked plenty of times before but i'm about to start applying for a partner visa for a permanent move to Oz.

I'm struggling to work out if i should just apply directly through the immi.gov.au site or make use of an agency to help out. I've had some contact with one agency but the fee's seem a little steep. I'm not averse to spending a bit more money on this if there is some value they can add, or even speed up the process, i just want to avoid rushing in with an agency if there are better ones out there or if doing it all myself is a relatively simple process.

Also, any advice on applying for these types of visa's would be much appreciated.

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Up to you. Many go it alone for a partner visa. Some use an agent.

Do you have a solid application, meet the requirements for de facto and have plenty of evidence to support your application? No criminals records or health woes?

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I'm pretty sure i meet the requirements and health/police records are all good. We've been together for nearly 9 years now and lived together the the last 6. What sort of evidence do i have to supply to prove the relationship?

Are there any recommendations on agents anyone could make? If i go it alone are there any area's i need to be careful of or make sure i cover? 

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Other than ensuring that an application satisfies the applicable criteria, there is nothing a registered migration agent can do to speed up the processing of a partner visa application.

Any of the registered migration agents who regularly post on this forum could advise and assist you.

Some of them will undertake a free preliminary assessment.

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I applied direct and saved on agent fees, but as has been said previously only a good idea if you have been together a long time have joint bank accounts, mortgage/rent, social evidence and no medical or criminal hiccups.

think agents are worth their weight for more complex cases

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Have you looked at the partner visa breakdown on the Gov website? That and the booklet (tho some of that is a bit out of date in terms of paper application etc) are good starting points.

You’ve been together a long time and so hopefully would have evidence to support this. For example, bills naming you both or one of you but to the same address, eg. gas bill in your name, electric in theirs, council tax naming you both. And not just one or two but hopefully some from over the years you have been living together, including the 12 months prior to lodging. Mortgage or rental agreements naming you both. Named on each other’s car insurance. Wills or life insurance naming the other. Joint bank or savings account or if separate then able to show at same address and transfers between accounts perhaps. If married than marriage certificate also. A few invites to weddings or christenings, the odd holiday booking naming you both. Those are just a few examples that would cover various aspects of your relationship (financial, social)

As has been said, an agent doesn’t speed up the process. You still have to sort through your paperwork and select it all etc. 

Off shore applications seem to be being processed pretty quickly for many these days (a few months at most) but not always. 

I did my own application. When I applied most people seemed to also. I still read of lots on here doing their own. The most time consuming part was compiling all the evidence (going through all our filing and paperwork pulling it all together and deciding what to include), getting stat decs and so on. The actual application I found straightforward and clear to do. 

If you have ongoing medical issues or criminals records I’d definitely consult an agent. Asto if you opt to use one otherwise, entirely up to you. 


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It didn't occur to me to use an agent, mainly because the 309/100 in my case is pretty simple; married 11 years, two kids both Australian by descent, rented two and owned two homes together, never lived apart, loads of mutual commitments, no health or criminal issues.  Then frankly it becomes an exercise of organizing your paperwork, paying and waiting.

Mind you I haven't got mine yet!

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1 hour ago, Graham said:

Thanks for the info everyone. I've got a bit of research and reading to do. We've been keeping all sorts of info to prove the relationship so should be good on that front. 

Sounds good. 

TBH the info is a fair whack but I just crossed out all the parts that didn't apply (ie the PMV stuff and on shore) and it shrunk it down a fair bit. Its an evenings study and to make yourself familiar with it all, make notes and get comfortable with it all. Get a folder going with evidence, suggest starting with the most recent and working back, then once you've compiled it all, start sorting which is best to submit etc. 

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