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12 months tourist visa (600)


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Hi guys! 

Hopefully someone can offer some advice. 

I am going to be applying for a 12 months tourist visa (subclass 600) in about month, so that I can go and visit my girlfriend's family and see some of the beautiful country. She's been here in the UK with me for 2 years now. 

- Is there anything they will DEFINITELY ask for? Online it says they 'may' ask for this that or the other, but is there anything in particular they will absolutely require? 

- I don't own property, I'm self-employed in the UK and all my family are here. Is that enough for incentive to return? 

- I'm also not really sure how to prove I'm self employed. All I can show are invoices I've written to people and a letter from HMRC stating I need to complete self-assessment. 

- Is there any reason they wouldn't grant the 12 months if I request it? I'm from the UK, no criminal record, enough money to support myself, have been on a WHV before and returned home before the end of the visa. 

I know it's alot to ask, but all this visa stuff stresses me out - the thought of them saying 'no' (even though I don't see any reason for them to) and splitting me and my girlfriend up is frightening for me :(

Thanks in advance guys! :)



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Other than the documentation for the visa I don't think there is a hard and fast rule who they might stop at the border or documentation they want.  My guess is proof of funds and a return ticket are probably the two things they'd look for as you can't work on the visa and they want you to leave the country at the end of it.  This visa, I believe can attract a no further stay condition (don't know what criteria they use for issuing that - an RMA might be able to answer), but from the website it would mean you couldn't apply for another visa whilst in Aus 

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Hi Ali, and thanks for your reply. 

The proof of funds is no issue, but I can't book return travel yet as you can't book tickets that far ahead! One agent I spoke to said it wouldn't be a problem as long as I had sufficient funds. 

It's very frustrating how they say don't make travel arrangements prior to your visa being approved, yet they want you to have flight tickets/return! 

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