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After school options

Guest nastasia

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Hi, what would be after school options for young children if ever both parents work full time?

Either child care in a home or an after school care program, many schools have them or, if they don’t, they can access a neighboring school’s program
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For us we use OSHC (Out of school hours care). Its run before and after school, during school holidays (apart from 2 weeks over Christmas and New Year) and most pupil free days when the school is closed for staff training etc. 

Mornings run from about 7am till 8:30am when kids can go to class. And after school is from 3:10pm to 6:15pm. Can be collected anytime though. Snacks, activities etc are provided before and after school. Kids can have breakfast there also. And in school holidays it runs from 7am -6:15pm with lots of day trips and activities organised on site. 

I've found most schools have them and if not, you can sign up to a nearby school. Although if you want it directly from school, you are probably better to find a school with an OSHC attached to it directly. 

Fees are very reasonable also. 

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We use OHSC like Snifter.  Ours is an independent (though still registered for child care rebate).  The PCYC also does a scheme at another school.

Our fees are $25 for after school - we don' use the before school option which I think is and additional $18, with 50% rebate, so it works out at $25 per day for two kids.  Full day during school holidays is something like $60 per child before rebate. 

Our scheme is good also in that it lets me book them in only the days we need it - OH is a shift worker so is home half the time.  It's been a nice saving over the cost of daycare fees!

Whether you get child care benefit / rebate will depend on your visa status and income.  There's a new system coming in July for fee assessment.

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