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Is There A Chance We Could Get A RRV


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We were granted a PR Skilled Visa which expired in June 2012, we were in Australia at this time but due to circumstances beyond our control we found ourselves back in the UK a few months later.  My question is do you think we would be able to apply for a RRV as we weren't in Australia for the 2 years and it's been such a long time since our visa entry date expired, or should we just face facts that our ship has sailed, my husband and I are too old to apply again as a new application.

Any thoughts would be very much appreciated.

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It will depend on what the “circumstances beyond your control” were and whether you can show ties to Australia. A good migration agent will be able to assess your case and let you know whether you have a chance of a RRV. My family and I have recently got our RRVs in similar circumstances so it is possible.

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