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189 partner details but not claiming points for them


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Hi, I'm completing my 189 visa where I am only claiming points for me. However, my application also includes my partner on it so it also asks for his employment history over last 10 years and his education. Unfortunately my partner can't remember the exact start and finish dates for some of his employers and his education in terms of exact days started and finished.

My query is do these dates need to be absolutely correct even though I'm not claiming points for him as we are struggling to confirm the dates? Will it affect my application if we get the day wrong? 

I'd be grateful for advice from someone's who's in a similar position and received a successful visa.

Cheers, Sarah 

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He could try ringing the employers and asking if he can get a statement of service, which would give the dates.  If the employers can't confirm the dates to him, then they won't be able to tell Immigration either, so he can just guess and no one will be any the wiser!   

For education, if it was at a college or uni then they would be fixed term dates which were the same for everyone - again, a call to the uni should be able to determine what the term dates were for that year.

I suspect as he's not the main applicant, it wouldn't matter if he was wrong by a week or two, but I suppose it doesn't hurt to make the effort.

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On 3/25/2018 at 22:16, Scoote said:

Hi, I'm completing my 189 visa where I am only claiming points for me. However, my application also includes my partner on it so it also asks for his employment history over last 10 years and his education. Unfortunately my partner can't remember the exact start and finish dates for some of his employers and his education in terms of exact days started and finished.

My query is do these dates need to be absolutely correct even though I'm not claiming points for him as we are struggling to confirm the dates? Will it affect my application if we get the day wrong? 

I'd be grateful for advice from someone's who's in a similar position and received a successful visa.

Cheers, Sarah 

Hello Sarah

You don't need to put the exact day down, we often put just the month/year for those types of things. As someone else suggested you could look at academic calendars etc for the general start/finish dates. Graduation certificates and similar often have completion dates which you can use. You could also look to past bank statements and see when you got the last payment of salary/wages and estimate within 2 weeks, or look at tax documents.

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