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Visa 309. Question on visiting Visa


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We applied for the visa 309 Nov 2017. Our file has not yet been opened by a CO. Reading that people on here have been granted their visas quite fast hubby called two weeks ago and was told there is a backlog and files have been sent to the Ottawa office to help out....I guess they have been farmed out from other jurisdictions. So we wait....and it's no biggy as we estimated the wait time to be 11-15 months....but it's hard not to get discouraged at times.

Hubby is the Australian/Canadian citizen. He is flying to Australia next month and wants me to go with him. I'm Canadian citizen.

Question.....I have read people get denied the temp/visitor visa while waiting for their visa 309. Others have said they had to let their CO know when they were flying into Australia even for a visit.

so since if I go I have to apply for a ETA visa online.....and we don't have a CO assigned....who do we tell I'm going? how on my immi account do I give that info?

Hubby is only going for 2 weeks and wants me to come along. I find it to be a hassle while I'm waiting for the 309.

I just don't know how to go about letting a CO know I'm going when I don't have a CO assigned nor have they looked at the file as of yet.


Speaking of the 309....last week I went to get my medicals just to get them out of the way....and yes I don't have a CO nor been asked to supply but getting time off work was easy last week....and not so easy from here on....anyhow....I noticed on my Health report that I printed to bring along to the doctor it didn't say Visa 309 but rather it said Visa 100. Has anyone seen that on their forms? I'm confused. I know we have been married for 15 + years...no kids....but not sure why it says visa 100 when we have applied for the 309. does this make sense to anyone? I'm just slightly puzzled.

We have tried calling the embassy again but the darn line is always busy.....

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Given the time you’ve been together it’s likely you’ll skip the 309 stage and temp visa and get the 100 from the start which is the PR.

I’d see if there is a central email you can contact and simply email that with your case number etc to inform them you are applying for a tourist visa for a 2 week holiday to Aus. 

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Seems that a few Partner Visa applications are being out sourced. A UK one was being processed in Indonesia the other day - noted by a request for more information.

You actually applied for both the 309 & 100 visa in that application, not just the 309. 

You can get the ETA then simply upload an statement to your immiacount advising of your travel to Australia and when you intend to be offshore. It is no problem at all to do this in relation to your application.

There is no skipping the 309 stage it will be granted first, the case officer can then immediately grant the 100. It would be wise to ask in your application for this to be considered due to length of relationship  (mostly as a reminder for the Case Officer).

I would advise not to contact the embassies for information on visa matters, only a "register migration agent" is qualified to give visa information and guidance.

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Hi I applied for 309/100 in June 2017 medical was done in December (at immigration request, I didn't do beforehand). Medical failed! :-(, but in the page the sent me it stated 100 as visa applying for. Medical retest was passed in January and my visa was granted yesterday straight to 100! Your visa may well do the same :-) good luck

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thank you everyone for replying. Hubby contacted the embassy in Ottawa and was told to just upload to our existing file of dates we are traveling, flight info and file # on a word doc. That was done and I applied for the ETA visa which was granted right away. 

much appreciated everyone who took their time to post here. ;-)

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