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Unsure of ANZSOC Occupation


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I'm looking to move to Perth next year so I've started looking into the process, researching visa options, etc.

I currently work in the mining industry, working as a corporate finance manager. I provided a supporting and partially manager role in a recent large capital raise reporting to the CFO and am now managing large portions of a few billion dollars raise for our next stage of financing. As part of this, I manage various consultants drafting reports for due diligence purposes, liaise with banks and potential investors including running DD processes with capital providers, handle all of our financial modelling, and generally advise the CEO and CFO on a variety of strategic matters.

My question is whether this fits into a specific ANZSCO occupation. My first thoughts were finance manager - my qualification (BA in Economics and Management at Oxford) plus part-qualifications in the ACA seem to cover off the qualification side of things. However the finance manager role seems to be more 'internal finance' based rather than the corporate finance work that I do, although my understanding is that the employment based skills section is optional just for additional points? Is that right?

Also I just saw finance manager isn't even on WA's skilled occupation list so would that rule out a 190 visa for WA? Will I have to go the employer sponsored route? 

Appreciate anyone's thoughts - going to also speak to a MARA agent to get their input. Thanks.

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Hi there,

I suggest that you speak with a MARA agent as an initial consultation to help formulate a strategy.  Those that post regularly here provide good advice.

In accountancy related fields the points requirements are now crazy and it's best to get professional advise as you are starting out - especially as Finance Manager (132211) isn't on the list for WA.  For Accountant General under the 189 visa the effective points requirements is 75+ with no invites in the last round.

If you are wanting to move then suggest you move quickly.  If I had a applied now as an accountant I would be stuck well down the queue.

Good Luck! 

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24 minutes ago, Ferrets said:

Hi there,

I suggest that you speak with a MARA agent as an initial consultation to help formulate a strategy.  Those that post regularly here provide good advice.

In accountancy related fields the points requirements are now crazy and it's best to get professional advise as you are starting out - especially as Finance Manager (132211) isn't on the list for WA.  For Accountant General under the 189 visa the effective points requirements is 75+ with no invites in the last round.

If you are wanting to move then suggest you move quickly.  If I had a applied now as an accountant I would be stuck well down the queue.

Good Luck! 

Thanks - yeah, I did have a look at accountant as well as I do have some background in audit and insolvency although it was a few years ago now. I've got 6 years experience total but 4 might be more applicable to finance manager and 2 might be more applicable to accountant so I end up with 75 points for the former and 65 for the latter. 

Worst comes to worse, I'll try and use my contacts at work (most of whom are ex mining execs from Perth) to try and find someone to sponsor me, or to take me on during a WHV and go from there. 

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The issue here is that WA is not open for state sponsorship of the Finance Manager role atm - some are but have mixed requirements - however at 65 points for accounting would not be a goer.

If you are happy to come on a WHV and wing it then great but - I think 132211 is on the STSOL list which may mean no path to permanent residency.

I would still advocate a consultation with a MARA agent to see if they can better advise on your options.  The cost is negligible in relation to moving to Oz!

Good luck!


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5 hours ago, Ferrets said:

The issue here is that WA is not open for state sponsorship of the Finance Manager role atm - some are but have mixed requirements - however at 65 points for accounting would not be a goer.

If you are happy to come on a WHV and wing it then great but - I think 132211 is on the STSOL list which may mean no path to permanent residency.

I would still advocate a consultation with a MARA agent to see if they can better advise on your options.  The cost is negligible in relation to moving to Oz!

Good luck!

Thanks - yeah going to try and speak with a MARA agent next week.

I had a look at the ANZSCO description of an accountant yesterday and it looks like things I do as part of my current role should be able to enable me to have a bit over 3 years of work experience as an accountant so I'd have 70 points - probably still on the low side but may be worth a shot. Will see what the MARA agent says.

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Another option to consider with the agent it what avenues exist for state sponsorship if you had a job offer through your contacts.  For finance here my experience is that for mining they want mine experience, so it's difficult to get into, and with  your background might be worth considering if viable.

I am not up to speed on the latest options for state sponsorship, but whilst accountants is crazy at the moment I do not know if many have a formal job offer to come to so that could be an edge ;-)

Good luck!


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54 minutes ago, Ferrets said:

Another option to consider with the agent it what avenues exist for state sponsorship if you had a job offer through your contacts.  For finance here my experience is that for mining they want mine experience, so it's difficult to get into, and with  your background might be worth considering if viable.

I am not up to speed on the latest options for state sponsorship, but whilst accountants is crazy at the moment I do not know if many have a formal job offer to come to so that could be an edge ;-)

Good luck!


So because i have direct mine experience I might have more of a shot than otherwise? Would that not just be an employer nominated visa though, if i had a job offer?

Lots of options to consider anyway, so fingers crossed :)

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I think some of the state sponsored visas require a job offer.

If you have contacts on the ground and relevant experience to the industry then may give you more options; I was a 189 so out of the area I had researched.  I think a good MARA agent will help understand your options.

Also note that with the agents you don't need face to face, it can work perfectly well remotely.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Spoke to an agent. Going to apply as an accountant on 70 points and it sounds like some experience that i thought wouldn't count in fact likely would, so come September I'll have 75 points so going to chance it and see if I get an invite at 70 and if not, update my EOI in September. 

On 04/02/2018 at 10:06, jrc01 said:

Would that not just be an employer nominated visa though, if i had a job offer?

Lots of options to consider anyway, so fingers crossed :)


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2 hours ago, jrc01 said:

Spoke to an agent. Going to apply as an accountant on 70 points and it sounds like some experience that i thought wouldn't count in fact likely would, so come September I'll have 75 points so going to chance it and see if I get an invite at 70 and if not, update my EOI in September. 

Be mindful that currently no Accountants are being invited under the subclass 189 visa, irrespective of points.

Point scores and the dates of effect cut off for the pro rata occupations in the 18 January 2018 invitation round.

Occupation ID Description Points score Date of effect
2211 Accountants N/A N/A
2212 Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers 75 26/09/2017 9:34 pm
2334 Electronics Engineer 75 16/01/2018 12:42 pm
2335 Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers 75 16/01/2018 11:13 pm
2339 Other Engineering Professionals 75 17/01/2018 11:37 am
2611 ICT Business and System Analysts 70 13/09/2017 3:38 am
2613 Software and Applications Programers 75 17/01/2018 10:29 pm
2631 Computer Network Professionals 75 17/01/2018 10:51 pm
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