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Where to Live in Sydney?

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Hi everybody,


Hopefully with the collective knowledge on this site you will be able to help me out?


We used to live in FNQ and loved it, but had to return to the UK. After a couple of years back home, we want to head back down under. For good or bad I have a good chance of landing a decent job in North Sydney. Bad because we would prefer to head back to Queensland; good because it's a job I'd really love to do with a (seemingly) good salary.


However where does one live that is affordable, a decent area for a family and commutable (ideally no longer than hour)? Any suburb that fits this criteria is massively expensive. With a potential salary in the region of $120k in addition to any bonus, I thought I would be sorted (my partner could expect to earn $80k). But it appears even $200k won't allow a decent quality of life. I don't want to be saddled with a massive mortgage or rent. In my mind I wouldn't want to be spending over $800k on a house, but that doesn't go very far in Sydney.


Any advice on this? The head is saying wait for a Queensland job for better house prices. The heart however loves the opportunity being offered in respect to both the job and a route back to Oz.


Thanks for your time.

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Get in the door again, and then look for a QLD job, you're a far more attractive candidate if you're already in the country for most employers. 


Most people in Sydney don't earn nearly that much so as long as you don't expect to be living like the Turnbulls you'll be fine, live to your means until they increase. Sydney on 120k is easily doable with a couple of compromises but it's not the beach city on that money, you can commute on the trains from the west to the cbd (when they're not striking) in just over an hour and compared to the UK the system works fine 99% of the times I've taken it. 


TL:DR.  2 adults won't struggle on 120k unless they're frivolous/wasteful, or want Kardashian lifestyles on supermarket money. You won't "feel" as rich as you will in Brisbane, but you won't be on the breadline either.


However you do it, good luck with the move! :)

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Sydney’s western suburbs make sense -20-40 minute commuting depending on where. Or look at commuting in from the coast - can be an hour - 2 on the train depending on location. Train strikes are rare (compared to the recent tube strikes and action on some lines such as Chiltern and Southern - 1 every 15/20 years!)


$120k and your partners $80K means you would live comfortably - not extravagantly. Chalk up some experience in the job/role and if Queensland still resonates - consider it further down the track.


Good luck.


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32 minutes ago, ssiri said:

Sydney’s western suburbs make sense -20-40 minute commuting depending on where. Or look at commuting in from the coast - can be an hour - 2 on the train depending on location. Train strikes are rare (compared to the recent tube strikes and action on some lines such as Chiltern and Southern - 1 every 15/20 years!)


$120k and your partners $80K means you would live comfortably - not extravagantly. Chalk up some experience in the job/role and if Queensland still resonates - consider it further down the track.


Good luck.


Just heard on the news that there is a train strike in Sydney tomorrow I think.

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Thanks for the advice. Its kind of what we were thinking, but needed to hear it from others. If I the job offer does come through I will likely take it.

We are not an extravegent family. As long as we have a decent house and things to do we are fine.

Hopefully the job offer comes through and we'll be back in the autumn. Qld will become the medium term plan....

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