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Working Holiday Visa - 2 month processing time wait

Tess Brina

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Hi there,

I applied for my Working Holiday (417) visa with a UK passport in October 2017. They sent me an email requesting a health check in early November 2017 and that was finalised on the 15th of Nov 2017. Since then I've heard nothing from the dept of Home Affairs, and when I call the European Service centre to ask about my application they say they can see no issue with it and there's no explanation for the long wait. The advertised processing time is 8-29 days online - so I'm concerned something has gone wrong with my application as it's been 2 and a half months since I heard anything from them?

My status on ImmiAccount has been 'assessment in progress' for ages now and I was just wondering if anyone had any tips or hints on how to get in touch with someone to find out what's happening? I was initially planning on going over to Aus early January and I'm getting more and more concerned as everyone I've spoken to has received their visa quite quickly.

Any advice or ideas would be massively appreciated - I'm really not sure what the next course of action should be?

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4 hours ago, Brucolino said:

Just curious when I read this post - why did they request a health check? My partner recently applied and it was pretty much an instant approval. They never asked for a health check though. I'm beginning to wonder if we missed something out?

Reasons for wanting a medical include - wanting to work in a hospital or a school, or somewhere else with kids - so sometimes they request based on the person's profession - also if a person has spent time in various countries with communicable diseases, TB being the main one, then a medical is requested. And a person's medical history can come into play too.

If they didn't ask you for one, you don't need one. 

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Hi Brucolino,

Yes I think it was previous travel history to countries with health risks that caused the request for a chest x-ray and medical ( I spent 4 months in the Philippines in 2013 working on a dive project). A lot of people applying for this visa haven't been asked for one, I think it varies depending on history and circumstances, as Nemesis pointed out.

The health check came back clear though and according to ImmiAccount it says health clearance provided - as of the 15th November 2017, so I don't see how that could be the issue causing delay...

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