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ICHC - Fit2work


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Just trying to juggle dates for submitting AHPRA registration - hoping to coincide present in person with validation trip arriving 7th May 2018 for 10 days. 

The ICHC is valid for 3 months - does this just mean that you have to submit registration application within 3 months of AHPRA receiving the fit2work check?

The present in person  within 3 months of ahpra reg doesn't have to also be within 3 months of the fit2work?

i.e. would this timeline be valid:

- send off to ft2work 27th oct 2017 (approx 15 working days to process)

- send off AHPRA application 22nd January 2018

- present in person 7th May 2018


many thanks for any help.


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to answer my own question - you have to present in person within 3 months of all of certificate of good standing, fit2work and AHPRA registration. But you need to send off for fit2work and certificate of good standing before you submit ahpra.  If COGS and fit2work have expired you may have to sign a stat dec in front of an authorised person.

How have others balanced this?

Do ahpra start processing the application before the receive the fit2work and COGS? That would enable me to send off all at the same time (fit2work marginally first )and still allow a potential 3/12 ahpra processing time before validation trip 7th may 2018?

If COGS and fit2work have expired by validation trip I need to find a solictor whilst in australia to sign stat dec?

As you can probably tell, my head is getting in a spin with the logistics of this!

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You’ll probably find it easier (not necessarily heaped though) to pay for another F2W check, as it is very likely the first one will expire by the time you land in Aus. I had no problems with the Society of Radiographers and HCPC reissuing another CoGS each, free of charge. It might be different for your professional registration agency.

I think you’ll find that the cost of a second F2W check and new CoGS (if you have to pay for them), is insignificant when compared to the prize of getting your registration approved.

AHPRA are quite clear that they will not start processing your application until they have a complete application with all the relevant documents.

I’m sure somewhere on the AHPRA application form it does ask for your F2W reference number.

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 thanks for your reply.

Can AHPRA receive the fit2work ahead of your application form? Doesn't it go straight to them? If I timed it so that the fit2work arrived with ahpra about a week before the post should get my application to them. More than happy to pay again if it expires if this is possible - just that it explicitly stated that have to present in person within 3 months of CoGS and fit2work. That runs the risk of my ahpra reg not being processed by then, if that makes sense. If I reapplied for another fit2work and CoGS would I have to fly back again to present in person? 

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If they receive supporting documents from third parties regarding your application, they'll open a case for you, and wait for everything to reach them before they'll start to process your application. Once you receive your registration in principle, you'll have 3 months to present in person. 

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8 hours ago, Bound4Tassie said:

AHPRA need to pull their finger out and process quicker or extend the 3/12 life span of the F2W/COGS!! Alas they won't. I'm not sure my registration is going to come through in time for me to start work as planned. Do they take kindly to being jollied along??!

I can't answer your question sorry, how long has your application taken so far?

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Well they would've received it first /second week of Sept but I think they only acknowledged receipt on 2nd Oct. They are defo doing "something" as they contacted me about my previous registration in Aus ( prior to AHPRAs existence). Not heard anything since I replied to their question.

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 11/1/2017 at 09:24, Bound4Tassie said:

Well they would've received it first /second week of Sept but I think they only acknowledged receipt on 2nd Oct. They are defo doing "something" as they contacted me about my previous registration in Aus ( prior to AHPRAs existence). Not heard anything since I replied to their question.

have you received your registration yet?

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great! Think I've worked out to send mine to arrive 2nd week Jan - that way if is super quick will still fit with validation trip early may. If takes 3 months should still be ok. If it takes longer than 3 months I'm scuppered and will have to fly back again. Just sent off fit2work today and requested CoGs and will just have to redo those after 3 months.

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