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back in uk from perth


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5 hours ago, Phil & Vikki said:

Must admit that we hear this quite a bit these days, that the cost of living is forcing people to pack up and go back to the UK. These days, the whole idea of the work life balance seems to be more and more un-achievable for people. The sheer cost of house prices and general living is going up so much that the lion’s share of peoples wage is spent on just getting through. When it is like this you kind of think what is the point in chasing the dream that is getting further and further away? We are not in that position, but still want to move back to the UK. Our reasons are simply due to missing family members, the desire to be back in familiar surroundings and simply it turning from a dream into something well less than a dream. It is not a nightmare, but it is not the dream we thought it would be.

It very rarely is........

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17 hours ago, kungfustu said:

It very rarely is........

True and that is why it seems that more and more people are realising that the UK is not as bad as what others may have you think and are returning back "home". That is one thing we have never called Australia.

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:ph34r: OK people, lets not be rude here and derail this thread into a debate about booze and dodgy practices. This is a thread about the OP returning to the UK and while he mentioned about the beer being cheap I don't think it was intended as a free for all on the finer points of landlords, pubs and a pint of Guinness being iffy or not. Go discuss that somewhere else. 

ETA - I've split over a page of off topic posts out from this thread. You want to carry on discussing, you can do so here


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