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Helping Hand

Guest Nicki Kefford

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Guest Nicki Kefford

Hey everyone out there.

My name is Harlea and I live in Perth, Western Australia.

Perth is such a great place.I have some amazing friends here....(even more than I did back in England).


So anyway, I'm going to give anyone of you help and advise about Australia.

So just ask me anythink and I'll be pleased to answer them.


Hope I get some great question!!

From Harlea (girl age 12)


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Guest David1805

Hi Harlea

My name is Bethany and im going to live in Perth.

Can i ask what the schools are like?

From Beth

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Guest Nicki Kefford

Hey Beth....the schools are great over here.They're so welcoming.The school I go to, Currambine Primary School, is so kind.As soon as I walked in I got signed a buddy.Now I have loads of mates.

The lessons here are just like ones back in the UK


And the best part is, you get to eat your lunch and recess....OUTSIDE.

In England, I remember you had to always eat inside.


Hope this really helps...if not I'll give you more info.

Speak soon

From Harlea


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Guest David1805

Hi Harlea

Thanks for that i found it really useful. Another question that i've got is are there many clubs out of school that are fun and where you can meet new friends?

From Beth

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Guest Nicki Kefford

Hi Beth,

That's okay.There are thousands of after school activities here (well not thousands, but you get what I mean).

I go to a Acting, Singing and dancing theatre school.It is great fun there.I just recently recieved an award for singing.

I have made lots of friends at school and after school.I turns out, this one girl who was at my friends house when I was there, turned out to be going to the same theatre school as me.


Hope this is also some help for you


Harlea :cute:

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Hi Harlea

Is that your dog? Did you take it over with you? Is it a collie?


The reason I ask is that we have two collies and are bringing them to Perth with us. Just wondering how they will adapt to life and the heat in Perth. When we get there I hope to find a good Obedience and Flyball Club as I show my dogs in both these sports.


Thanks for your offers of help.


Ali x

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