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In the spreadsheet it's incredible to see to how many people Immi requested for further docs... we should add a column to specify if it's through MA or not.

I think because may application was allocated after the end of financial year, that's why they requested all financial paper

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Transition stream or Direct entry ?



Thanks, everyone. It has indeed been a long wait, but finally got through it :)

This forum has been extremely helpful, happy contributing to it.

@shuhiwa: Mine is Direct entry although I have worked in Australia for 3 years now, because the first one+ year was under a different Occupation title. One has to have at least 2 years experience in the Occupation applied for to become eligible for TRT.

My occupation is University Lecturer.

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Can anyone who has been approved confirm if you get an immediate email notification from immi or do you just have to keep checking your immi account online every day?


I'm not using an MA so all correspondence goes to my email address if that makes any difference.




Yes, you'll receive an email from the immi dept. I did not because the first point of contact is my MA.

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No, my MA is on holiday and just called me from Italy so I did not see the confirmation yet BUT I checked on VEVO https://www.border.gov.au/Busi/Visa and it doesn't say BRIDGING anymore but: RESIDENT.


hi, I have tried the websiteVEVO https://www.border.gov.au/Busi/Visa, but it shows


  • Entered details cannot be confirmed as the TRN/Visa Grant number/Evidence number does not match your current visa. Please confirm your current visa details and re-enter your enquiry. Otherwise, call 1800 040 070 and an officer will assist you.


I am direct entry, no bridging visa now. So, that's info is correct, means still waiting, not granted ?

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hi, I have tried the websiteVEVO https://www.border.gov.au/Busi/Visa, but it shows


  • Entered details cannot be confirmed as the TRN/Visa Grant number/Evidence number does not match your current visa. Please confirm your current visa details and re-enter your enquiry. Otherwise, call 1800 040 070 and an officer will assist you.


I am direct entry, no bridging visa now. So, that's info is correct, means still waiting, not granted ?


I did the same and had the same outcome. Yes it just means your TRN that's attached to your PR application hasn't been approved, and therefore it doesn't exist.

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