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Female 43, new to Sydney & missing friends!

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I moved to Sydney with work last Nov (2016) and whilst my work life is awesome, I'm badly missing friends & family out here!  Do the Poms in Oz do any regular meet ups or can anyone recommend any clubs/socials where there may be other people in the same boat!?  Living near beautiful Balmoral beach and working in the CBD.  Help :-)

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Have you thought about trying local Facebook pages?  We are in Sutherland Shire and have a couple of different local Facebook pages such as 'Everything Sutherland Shire'.  Very often I see group fitness posts or posts from people looking for walking buddies and things, posts for social groups etc, so maybe there is something like that in your area?

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Hi Helen,

My name's Joe and I live near you at Cremorne. Even though the Northshore is very beautiful and ultimately very liveable, it's not where the action is. I haven't been on PIOz for quite some time but l'm back looking for some social stimulus again.

I've been here in Sydney three years and l have found it quite difficult making friends outside of work, of course my good work friend have families and lives of their own.

I met a few guys on PIOz a couple of years back and the three of us became really good friends, alas one of the guys had to return to the UK, and the other has since met a girl and had a baby - hence my return to PIOz in search of new friends.

I'm pretty clued up on the CBD bar scene here, especially the hidden bars (l like that quirky sort of thing), for something a little more hipster-ish head to Surry Hills and for 'alternative' have a look at Newtown, it reminds me a bit of Camden Town in London; then there's Oxford Street, which is very gay appreciative shall we say, and Kings Cross which has had a bad rep for such a long time, but has taken on a transformation in the last year due to good policing and licensing restrictions.

I know this is all difficult to do on ones own, l'm in the same boat, but If l find some Brit social get togethers, l'll let you know.

Take it easy.



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Hi Helen

I Googled "Sydney Meet Ups" (which I have looked at from time to time myself - going along to a writing group a couple of times.) I don't know if the link will work but otherwise just do the same search that I did. I saw at least one ex-pats group although I've probably been here to think of myself as an ex-pat. There are lots of different groups there, perhaps catering for any hobbies/sports/interests that you may have. I'm pretty sure there is a swimmers club at Balmoral because I saw a sign to that effect near the changing rooms. I see there's a group for Baby Boomers.

I was meandering through Surry Hills yesterday arvo when it started to rain, and, exercising iron control (I had a hangover) I chose the library instead of the Clock hotel to escape the rain. I picked up a brochure for City East Community College (www.cityeastcc.com.au) and there is an A to Z of different activities on offer. There is bound to be something similar on your side of the harbour.

I've done a few courses over the years in both England and Sydney, typing, car maintenance, shorthand, cooking, public speaking, backgammon, badminton, German, dancing, although that last one I did at a dance studio in Artarmon.

I'm doing a BA thru the Open University which takes up some of my spare time. I'm doing it purely for interest (too late for a career!) It's on line which reduces the social aspect but I still enjoy it, my present unit being creative writing in the School of English at Macquarie Uni. (The Open Uni is the umbrella but the subjects are taught thru various unis around Australia.)



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Have a look at Meetup.com and select some groups that are aligned to your interests.  Groups can be a bit hit & miss.  A sports club is a great way to meet new friends, a lot of my friends in Sydney were through my footie club.

If you are interested in snowsports at all, I can highly recommend SSS (Sydney skiers & snowboarders) meetup group.  It is predominantly about trips to the snow during winter by people with a passion for snow.  In recent years, it has added some Sydney based social events and a few of the crew are into climbing regularly.  Generally a good bunch and a well run group.

Balmoral is lovely but very quiet.  I jest that everybody is in bed by 9pm once you go OTB.  Newtown is great an Balmain/Rozelle can be good on a Saturday.


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  • 1 month later...

Hi Helen... I could have written the title of your post  - I am also 43, female, new to Sydney and missing my friends. I moved here to live with my boyfriend who already has lots of friends - but mostly sport-watching blokes. Shout if you fancy a glass of wine and a chat sometime. I'm in Bondi.

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  • 4 months later...

If any of you fancy a trip to the Blue Mountains for a night out or to have a look around I’m from Lancashire and have lived in Katoomba for the last nine years and would be happy to meet up [emoji5]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • 5 months later...

Hello all,

i know this was a while ago but as a newbie myself it was comforting to read through and know everyone has the same bouts of loneliness.  I'm in the Mosman/cremorne area (still Airbnb-Ing but know it's the area I want to find a permanent place) and also not in my twenties!  Everyone I've met is friendly but they also have their own friend circles and I guess it takes time to build up new ones for yourself.  If anyone on the lower north shore would still like to have coffee and share experiences I'd love to hear 

thanks :)

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