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Problem with RCB


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I would appreciate any advice regarding next steps after several RCB refusals.

I believe the decision isn't fair as the advice stated that it appears the criteria have been met but decision is still negative due to the position not being on the shortage list (Retail Manager).

Is there anyone above RCB to ask for help before the visa gets rejected?

Thank you

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I had my rcb application refused first time and was successful a second time. The problem we had was that they hadn't actually read our application and thought the business was something different to what it was. Also, they had been to an employment agency who said they could get qualified Australians easily. My employer pointed out that we had advertised the job for a full month and no employment agents had put forward anyone on their books. They also said that if they did indeed have trained Australians on their books they would love to hear from them as they had a number of positions available and no qualified Australians had applied. So then they approved it. 


You need a registered migration agent to help you through this, or to tell you if you have no chance. Alan at Go Matilda is great, or try George Lombard. 

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