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So Labor won WA elections


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And plan to remove RSMS from Perth metropol area...



"Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme


Perth is considered a region as part of the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS).


Perth was added to the scheme in 2011 during the peak of the mining boom.


The only Capital cities in Australia that are included in the RSMS are Perth, Adelaide, Hobart and Darwin.


Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane are not included in the RSMS. Other areas excluded from the scheme include the

Gold Coast, Newcastle and Wollongong.


A McGowan Labor Government will immediately seek to have Perth removed from the RSMS."



"A McGowan Labor Government will:

• On day one tear up the current list of occupations that fast tracks overseas workers

to WA.

• Work with industry to develop a new list that reflects WA’s changed economic


• Seek to immediately have Perth removed from the Regional Sponsored Migration


• Keep WA jobs in WA."


The most important question here is, will this affect to the people who applied before and are waiting for so long, like me, for almost a year?


Here we go guys, if the waiting game wasn't enough, we got another thing to worry about now, the possibility of having our visa applications washed thru the toilet just like that.


I hear here and there that It won't affect the applications that lodged before the implementation of this Labour executive order, but how sure is that?


If logging in immi account twice a day and keeping reading posts from 187 thread wasn't enough, then keep an eye on the news for more fuel to our endless paranoia game.


Good luck people from Perth!

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