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My kids love WWE Raw and Smackdown, but it isn't coming to WA this year (sad for the kids but great for me as it would cost a fortune).


Is anyone in the Eastern States going and could get me a souviner programme (I'll send you the money for it)



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Thanks Jo - I think they're in Aus this month or next month. The kids have it on all the time - Nigels fed up of downloading the wrestlers entrance themes for Tom to listen to.



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Oh Ali, if only your post was a week ago...:sad: WWE came to Adelaide last saturday as part of their current tour. Liam 'took' his dad and they had a fantastic time - he phoned me as they were on their way home and I could hear the excitement in his voice. Worth every penny.

Unfortunately - and fingers crossed I'm wrong - I think their last tour date in Oz was last night in Brisbane. Last year they originally advertised coming to Adelaide then decided against it...so perhaps next year?

I've attached the website address..perhaps there will be something there that'll help ease the pain!WWE: Homepage


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Thanks LC , i thought I was cutting it fine - they seem to have done to Perth what they did to Adelaide last year and cancelled - the kids love it so much, Alex's favourite is Miz and Tom likes just about anybody!!


Thanks for the website info

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