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What to do with Oz super fund if returning to UK?


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I'm looking to park my OZ super until I can transfer it to the UK in 5 years time (at preservation age).

I imagine other returnees have done the same thing and was wondering if there is anything I need to consider when assessing super funds? or are there other options out there?

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You can transfer to a fund that charges lower fees - but the conundrum is that there's no way of knowing if the fund you move to will perform the same as your existing fund (so the lower fee will be a real saving) be outperformed by your existing fund (so even after the fees you'd have been better off staying put) or do better that your existing fund (cream on top). On top of that you have the problem of knowing how much the total fees you're paying really are. For example I know ANZ Super Choice charge a fixed fee of $4.17 per month - but what happens when they buy and sell units? Are there hidden commissions in the prices? A fund that does a lot of trading of your investments could cost you more in the long run than one appears to charge a higher management fee.

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