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Early Years teaching jobs on the Gold Coast!


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Hi everyone, myself and my partner have just had our visa granted so we will be moving in April :). I was just wondering if anyone knew what early years teaching is like in the Gold Coast? What are the job opportunities like at the moment?




Kim xx


Pretty much the same as when you last asked to be honest. The Gold Coast is a prime area to live, but you may be lucky and get a few days relief here and there in schools to begin with. There are thousands of unemployed teachers in Queensland in particular. You should consider going remote or regional instead.


You might also want to consider looking for a teaching job in a day care centre as there are more opportunities than schools. Otherwise, be prepared to work in an area other than teaching.

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Hi Sammy1,


I gathered that working in a nursery will be easier than finding a job in a school. I'm actually an early years trained teacher so I should be ok. I have looked on seek.com and there are lots of job opportunities for teaching in nurseries so I'm not that worried. I have two friends who have recently just moved over to the Gold Coast too and they have managed to secure themselves teaching jobs. I suppose its how you put yourself out there.

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Hi Sammy1,


I gathered that working in a nursery will be easier than finding a job in a school. I'm actually an early years trained teacher so I should be ok. I have looked on seek.com and there are lots of job opportunities for teaching in nurseries so I'm not that worried. I have two friends who have recently just moved over to the Gold Coast too and they have managed to secure themselves teaching jobs. I suppose its how you put yourself out there.


Yes, day care centres are always looking for staff as the hours and pay are poorer than schools. You should be fine there.

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