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I'm not getting it, any bright idea's very much appreciated!


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In one of the questions for a Partner Visa (309/100), question 11 from 27 to be precise, I'm required to provide information regarding the non -migrating members:



Non-migrating members of the family unit

Include any member of your family unit who would normally be included in this application but who does not require a visa. This member of your family unit may not be migrating to Australia or they may hold Australian citizenship.

However, if I supply the details of my YO, who hold both Dutch and Australian citizenships, the form chimes an error:


An error has occurred

Australian citizens are not to be included as non-migrating dependent family members.



Anyone a clue what AusGov wants here?

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Yes they don't want you to include the citizen. It says so in the instructions and then it says so again in your error message. Not sure what is tripping you up here?


It's probably my lack of English, but doesn't it state to include member who would normally be included but does not need a visa, e.g. someone who holds Aus citizenship?

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