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Can I enter Australia on a tourist visa whilst awaiting 457 decision?


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I've applied for a 457 visa with my wife and 2 kids as dependents. The visa nomination and visa were submitted on 13th October 2016. I'm hoping to start work in Jan 2017.




I was hoping to organise a tourist visit to Perth with my family in November this year to explore WA before we settle there. I'm not planning to work during this trip.



Would I be granted a tourist visa and admitted to Australia?

Could being granted a tourist visa jeopordise my 457 visa application?


Would I have to re enter Australia if my 457 was granted whislt in Australia?




Many thanks for your help on this mater.








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Hi Sheraz,


The 457 visa can be granted when you're either inside or outside Australia so I don't see any problem with you arriving earlier. Just check with your sponsor.




George Lombard




Thanks for your prompt reply George!


I'll send a note on my immi account so that my CO is aware that I still need my 457 visaid too!


Many thanks,

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No need to send a note that you still need your 457 as a decision MUST be made to this application, either to grant or to refuse, unless it has been withdrawn.


Make sure to disclose that you have a 457 visa application on foot, so the 457 visa will not be wiped out by your visitor visa. It happens from time to time.


I remember many many years ago, a US citizen, decided to travel to Australia on an ETA visa, after sometime of waiting for his other visa, only to found out after he rang his migration agent upon arrival, his visa was granted a day before his departure from US. Unfortunately he would need to relodge his application again for other visa again.


Regulation has been amended since, so ETA visa will not come into effect if the visa holder already holds another substantive visa, but visitor visa will.


Not all visa applications made by human, the DIBP computer system has delegate power to grant visas.


The decision on visitor visa may be vacated, if you disclose, when apply for visitor visa, that you have an application is still under processing, then the decision must be vacated.






Thanks for your prompt reply George!


I'll send a note on my immi account so that my CO is aware that I still need my 457 visaid too!


Many thanks,

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No need to send a note that you still need your 457 as a decision MUST be made to this application, either to grant or to refuse, unless it has been withdrawn.


Make sure to disclose that you have a 457 visa application on foot, so the 457 visa will not be wiped out by your visitor visa. It happens from time to time.


I remember many many years ago, a US citizen, decided to travel to Australia on an ETA visa, after sometime of waiting for his other visa, only to found out after he rang his migration agent upon arrival, his visa was granted a day before his departure from US. Unfortunately he would need to relodge his application again for other visa again.


Regulation has been amended since, so ETA visa will not come into effect if the visa holder already holds another substantive visa, but visitor visa will.


Not all visa applications made by human, the DIBP computer system has delegate power to grant visas.


The decision on visitor visa may be vacated, if you disclose, when apply for visitor visa, that you have an application is still under processing, then the decision must be vacated.


Sorry, but what do you mean by 'the decision must be vacated' -not come across that term before.

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Thank you Wei Shu,


Having applied for the e651 visa - it was not granted straight away. I was asked for further information 24 hours later. Specifically, the CO wanted information of what i was intending to do in Australia, my specific travel intentions and confirmation that i was planning to leave Australia after my visit.


I supplied the information and am now awaiting their decision to grant.





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