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setting up power of attorney in UK for Australian based son


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We moved to Australia when my son was under 18 - I was the signatory on his bank account and premium bonds account in the UK (we set these up for him). He is 19 now and has mental health issues which means that he is unable or unwilling to manage these accounts - it has taken all my powers of persuasion to get the bank to issue him a bank statement. Nothing is Internet enabled. The banks and NSI will not deal with me, he will not ring them - so all communication is sent snail mail to Australia. He is happy for me to manage the accounts on his behalf (basically making sure account doesn't go dormant and that NSI winnings cheques are paid in). I would love for all these accounts to be managed by Internet but sorting this out is impossible as he wont do it and the bank wont let me do it as he's over 18. The bank won't allow him to skype and needs him to pop into the branch - pretty tough when he's in Brisbane. I am currently based in the UK (going back in Jan) and my son is living with my daughter who is in a position to help him. I am pretty sure that the bank will not recognise any Australian issued POA (they struggle to accept UK issued ones). Will I need to fly my son over to complete a POA with a solicitor here or could this be done by post?

I realise this may be an unusual situation but if anyone has any experience/guidance that would be really useful.

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