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Australia isn't being swamped by Muslims

Guest The Pom Queen

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Is there anyone here who would actually advocate Australia being swamped by Muslims ?


I hope not. If it is kept to around 2% the danger to our lifestyle hopefully won't be too worrying.


Caveat of course is we deal with the radical extremist element which like the bad apple can ruin the whole bushel.

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This is the point though, yes there is paranoia and no other group has brought about such paranoia, why because they integrate and get on with their lives without others feeling they need to make allowances for them. As I said its not the majority of muslim people who are to blame, its our governments, our public servants, our laws and our teachers and other people who make changes to accommodate muslim religion. We need to stop doing this. We need to celebrate like we always have and have nativity plays at schools. and religious education for those that want it, i e different religions coming into schools and taking lessons, that is what happened when I went to schoo


Personally I could not care less I drinks my grog and eats my pork and am not paranoid about it. The point I am trying to make is that if muslim people are feeling they are being targeted, they are, they are setting themselves up for it and they should demand that our politically correct lot pull their heads in.


If only our Aboriginal people could get the same consideration from the politically correct.


They most certainly have. Communists brought similar or more hysteria. Moving away from a white western biased view, many a person in Indo China, Arab world among others have found a lot to fear with western bombs and indiscriminate killings. Depends which side of the fence we sit. Hardly as clear cut as suggested in above post though.


I do not think the assaults on Muslims on a street level is necessary them setting themselves up. We in the west cherish our freedom to live as pleases without getting in the way of another person's preferred style of living. Few Muslims would care if you eat pork and drink alcohol.

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Is there anyone here who would actually advocate Australia being swamped by Muslims ?


I hope not. If it is kept to around 2% the danger to our lifestyle hopefully won't be too worrying.


Caveat of course is we deal with the radical extremist element which like the bad apple can ruin the whole bushel.


It is hardly an issue as unless Indonesia is going to invade will never happen. Will Australia become the first, likely truly Eurasian country, over the course of a few decades? Most likely. Muslim not.

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It is hardly an issue as unless Indonesia is going to invade will never happen. Will Australia become the first, likely truly Eurasian country, over the course of a few decades? Most likely. Muslim not.


I hope you are wrong.

It would be heartbreaking if Australia lost its Australian culture.

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Singularly uneducated. Read Thomas Asbrodge The First Crusade and you'll have a rethink. Makes anything Muslims have done pale into insignificance


Quite so. Amazed at the ignorance being displayed by those attempting to display a sense of awareness into something they know next to nothing about. Not amazed perhaps. More saddened. Humanity on all sides has a lot to learn.

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I hope you are wrong.

It would be heartbreaking if Australia lost its Australian culture.


Come now you know that is some ill defined thing. The writing is clearly on the wall. What passed as a way of life is well en route for the disposal bin anyway. Most could care less, as long as their house prices remain intact and hopefully head ever heavenwards.

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Reading this thread gives an insight in to how exactly the Hanson creature amassed 500,000 votes.


Yes not hard to see. Still I feel that the government (s) Must take a big dose of responsibility for the situation we are in. The demonization of a particular group, while allowing yet another group easy access to contribute to the housing bubble, the excess of 457's and the rest, was bound to set of some sort of reaction.

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Why bother living in a country with Christianity at its core then? Perhaps you might be more comfortable in a country which has Islam at its core? I hear Saudi is pretty nice and they have good weather.


At least Christians don't behead you for not believing in their religion, I suppose that is one bonus.


No, they just used to have this endearing habit of burning you at the stake after a nice heretics kangaroo court, thousands and thousands, wherever the Catholics, and then the Protestants, went, sometimes they'ed just keep it to slow strangulation and to keep the crowds entertained disembowlment and castration.

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Yes not hard to see. Still I feel that the government (s) Must take a big dose of responsibility for the situation we are in. The demonization of a particular group, while allowing yet another group easy access to contribute to the housing bubble, the excess of 457's and the rest, was bound to set of some sort of reaction.


Neo liberalism always needs a cheap workforce to push wages down and hold them down, exactly the same here in the UK and the Mexicans and Filipinos in the US, and look where it has landed us and look at the consequences in the US, just wait for it in Australia .

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Reading this thread gives an insight in to how exactly the Hanson creature amassed 500,000 votes.


Depressing, isn't it? Whatever the downfalls of 'political correctness', at least it meant that people considered first whether what they were about to say would offend others - now it seems 'free speech' is just an excuse to spout offensive and hurtful stuff, without caring who is damaged by it, with the self-righteous justification that 'everyone is entitled to express their opinion'.

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Neo liberalism always needs a cheap workforce to push wages down and hold them down, exactly the same here in the UK and the Mexicans and Filipinos in the US, and look where it has landed us and look at the consequences in the US, just wait for it in Australia .

It is as you say a way to down conditions. In the case of Australia, I'd say we are in a rather worse position due to location. UK had certain protections under EU rulings perhaps, even though entry was/is easy. I often look towards New Zealand, as a country impacted severely by neo liberalism, going back to the eighties. Conditions declined from then for many. Hence the low living conditions today. All under a Labour government as well.


Here in Australia of course there are firm efforts to attack the welfare safety net, put more conditions in place to qualify for entitlements. (aged pension one example) tougher work place conditions, entrap massive segments of the population into high personal debt rates, of course we only had an insight into the minds of those wielding power with the first unsuccessful Abbot budget. It didn't get through the senate but the writing is on the wall. Few lobby groups for the affected I'm afraid.


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Depressing, isn't it? Whatever the downfalls of 'political correctness', at least it meant that people considered first whether what they were about to say would offend others - now it seems 'free speech' is just an excuse to spout offensive and hurtful stuff, without caring who is damaged by it, with the self-righteous justification that 'everyone is entitled to express their opinion'.


Yes a Back to the Future (1950's type world) scenario where those displaying difference, are valid targets of abuse and scorn and indeed attack on our streets and vilified.


Just the comments on this thread, from what one may assumes as fairly normal middle class women, is somewhat disturbing, just how they have been sucked in to the grubby politics of the extreme right.

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Flag you are out of step with most Australian's concerns.


I just read another poll that says 60% of Australians would be concerned if an Australian married a Muslim.



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Flag you are out of step with most Australian's concerns.


I just read another poll that says 60% of Australians would be concerned if an Australian married a Muslim.




I'd cancel my subscription to whatever it is you are reading. Far better being a little better informed than forming opinions out of populist sentiment.


Of course populist opinion would be suggestive of such. Do you think Muslim or Jewish popular opinion would differ? Or Chinese parents would wish their daughters to marry outside of the Han race?


It's more a matter for open minds to raise above all that tribalism, instead of attempting to validate an issue through a populist poll outcome, regardless which side it derived from.

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Yes but it is supposedly based on the ten commandments, one of which if my rusty bible classes reminds me is' Love thy neighbour as thy love thyself'.


It must be very rusty.




It's not in there.


But not working on a Sunday is right in the middle.


Shame 'god' had to have 3 dedicated to himself, or he could have squeezed 'don't rape kids' in there.

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Errrrr, what would you call Nauru and Papua New Guinea, concentration camps means simply places where people are held without charge and because the State does not approve of them and the writ of Habeas corpus is not available to them.


So non-Australians, not in Australia, in a detainment center .. okay.

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Reading this thread gives an insight in to how exactly the Hanson creature amassed 500,000 votes.


Both sides of the political coin ignoring peoples genuine concerns, and then those concerns becoming more and more common?


Then enough people have 'had enough' of being ignored and then reach for the only person listening?


I can't stand the woman, but had the main political parties listened - instead of ignoring the voices in the first place, and dealing with concerns of people, she'd have never have got the backing to get where she is.

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