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Can distant relatives sponsor me?


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My question is: can my great auntie/uncle or second cousin sponsor me?


Here is a bit of background info for you:

I'm currently out here on my 1st WHV. Because of the time in which I applied for my 1st WHV, I'm not able to apply for my 2nd WHV as I'm now 31 yo. I emailed the visa bureau explaining that I'd be willing to do the 88 days rural work etc but to no avail. So I'm now exploring my other options.


While I'm "skilled" and would fall under the ICT Business Analyst occupation on the SOL list, I'm worried that my case wouldn't be strong enough for a company to sponsor me, given that being a BA isn't hard and I'm sure there are plenty of Aussies who would qualify for the job over me. I have little quals in the BA line of work (although I do have experience), I didn't go to uni and I'm not sure I'll meet the regional study pre-requisites. Perhaps I'm being a bit hard on myself but I very rarely hear success stories of your "everyday Jo" getting sponsorship so easily, by any means.


I can't help but feel that if I have an obligation-free consultation with an immigration agency, that they'll either give me false hope or withhold info from me so I can't go at it on my own. I don't mind paying the initial $200 for the consultation, or whatever the fee is, but something deep down tells me that they won't actually give me all the info I need to enable me to make a decision and move forward with this. Any help on this would be much, much, much appreciated. Thanks.

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The only family related visas are for partners, children and parents. And there is another one if you were the only member of your immediate family who did not already have a permanent visa.


Other than that there are family *sponsored* visas which aunts, uncles, cousins can sponsor for. But this is only good if you already qualify for a skilled migrant visa, it just gives you extra points, but it isn't actually a good visa anyway because it has restrictions and is slow in processing.


There is no reason to believe a migration agent would give you wrong information, so long as you find a recommended MARA registered one. It might be worth them having a look over your skills, a lack of degree in an IT occupation is not a show stopper but it does make things harder. Why do you think you need to find a job - that is only one pathway to a visa.

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Thank you both for your quick responses. It is what I expected the answer to be.


With regards to other pathways, I have briefly looked into a student visa but that would be a whole different avenue for me to explore. A few factors I'd need to take into consideration; going back to studying, now knowing what to study, pre-requisites for being accepted on to the course, the possible debt I'd incur if going to uni etc. Although I can do a business analysts job, I'm not sure I'd want to study business analysis just to stay here, I'd want to study something else, probably construction management as I have a project management qualification but no PM experience of any great length of time. I have BA experience but no quals and PM qual but no experience haha. I want a visa that will allow me to work, that's for sure, mid-long term ideally.


I'll need to have another good look at all my options and perhaps take them to an immi agency. I'm not worried that they'll supply me with the wrong info, just that they would withhold info from me to almost force me to apply for the visa through them so they get my custom. I'll make sure I go to a MARA registered one.

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Thank you both for your quick responses. It is what I expected the answer to be.


With regards to other pathways, I have briefly looked into a student visa but that would be a whole different avenue for me to explore. A few factors I'd need to take into consideration; going back to studying, now knowing what to study, pre-requisites for being accepted on to the course, the possible debt I'd incur if going to uni etc. Although I can do a business analysts job, I'm not sure I'd want to study business analysis just to stay here, I'd want to study something else, probably construction management as I have a project management qualification but no PM experience of any great length of time. I have BA experience but no quals and PM qual but no experience haha. I want a visa that will allow me to work, that's for sure, mid-long term ideally.


I'll need to have another good look at all my options and perhaps take them to an immi agency. I'm not worried that they'll supply me with the wrong info, just that they would withhold info from me to almost force me to apply for the visa through them so they get my custom. I'll make sure I go to a MARA registered one.

Not sure about your comment on going into debt, you wouldn't qualify for any student loans or help with fees so you would need a good wedge of cash up front.

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If BA is on the SOL you can apply without a sponsor, the key really is whether you would pass the ACS skills assessment.


A degree is not needed - you can do a 'RPL' - not a small undertaking but what my OH did. A lot will hinge on how much experience you have as a BA.


Do be aware there is no time like the present as I am surprised BA is on the SOL and this list changes to reflect market demand (albeit is often months/years behind) so I'd get on it straight away if you do meet the skill assessment requirements.

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Yes, BA is on the SOL list and appears to be the most popular one. The list was recently updated on 1st July this year and it has remained again for this next year at least. I don't mind doing a BA role, I'm just not sure I'd want to study for it if I was to take the student visa pathway. A BA role is a means to an end for me, I just kind of fell into it and apparently I'm quite good at it.


From your comment above (and the very quick search online at 0430) an General Skilled application, I think, would be more applicable to me. The previous 4 years of my career has been in a BA role. The thing I would worry about is the project reports as I no longer work for the company and they're hot on not distributing any of their data, if they don't have to. And secondly, I'm not sure I would have appeared on any of the project reports; projects that I helped out on that were run by the PM team, I wouldn't for sure and the other projects I worked on weren't technically classified as projects in the eyes of the company as only the PM team can only manage projects. My projects were more service based, I would provide a service to that particular team and manage it like a project. This is something else I'd need to ask the migrant agency and a previous colleague to help me find out about. I'm adding it to my list.


Thank you, this is all good stuff and is helping me map out in my mind what else I need to do and how I'm to approach it. When I first started looking into this I couldn't get anything straight, but now it's starting to become a bit clearer:)

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Yes, BA is on the SOL list and appears to be the most popular one. The list was recently updated on 1st July this year and it has remained again for this next year at least. I don't mind doing a BA role, I'm just not sure I'd want to study for it if I was to take the student visa pathway. A BA role is a means to an end for me, I just kind of fell into it and apparently I'm quite good at it.


From your comment above (and the very quick search online at 0430) an General Skilled application, I think, would be more applicable to me. The previous 4 years of my career has been in a BA role. The thing I would worry about is the project reports as I no longer work for the company and they're hot on not distributing any of their data, if they don't have to. And secondly, I'm not sure I would have appeared on any of the project reports; projects that I helped out on that were run by the PM team, I wouldn't for sure and the other projects I worked on weren't technically classified as projects in the eyes of the company as only the PM team can only manage projects. My projects were more service based, I would provide a service to that particular team and manage it like a project. This is something else I'd need to ask the migrant agency and a previous colleague to help me find out about. I'm adding it to my list.


Thank you, this is all good stuff and is helping me map out in my mind what else I need to do and how I'm to approach it. When I first started looking into this I couldn't get anything straight, but now it's starting to become a bit clearer:)


A migration agent is definitely the way to go ptlabs specialise in IT applicants but any of the agents that regularly post on here would be equally good I'm sure. We used OE and they had a consultant who used to wok for the ACS to assist with the RPL.


I would be surprised if 4 years would be sufficient experience though - even with an IT degree the first two years experience doesn't count towards the 'post-qualifying' experience. I believe my OH needed 7 years experience with a non-IT degree. Have you been on the ACS website - you should be able to work it out for yourself.

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This is what I'd need to find out or ask the migration agent. On the ACS website, under RPL FAQ's it just states "ICT" and doesn't specify BA. I guess it wouldn't with it being to do with General Skills application. I have, however, been in ICT for 11 years, just a BA role the last 4. Sorry, I missed that bit in my previous post. Thanks for the recommendation for ptlabs, I'll have a look into them too.

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