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Duel Citizenship Passport Query


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Sorry if this has been posted before but I just wondered if other duel nationals have experienced this and can give some advice.


I’m currently in Australia and flying home (UK) for Christmas via the USA (first time with my new Australian Passport).


I have both my British and Australian passports but confused on what’s the easiest way to travel on them.


Would this be the right way to do it:



  • Leave Australia on Australian Passport
  • Arrive USA on British Passport
  • Leave USA on British Passport
  • Arrive UK on British Passport
  • Leave UK on British Passport
  • Arrive Australia on Australian Passport



Thank you

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Basically NO. Have you done and ESTA for USA? if so on which passport? also you would have to leave UK (or at least check-in) on your Aus passport as this proves your right of entry to Australia to the airline, however you may get away with just showing them your Aus passport. Rrally just easy to use your Aus passport all the way, and keep your UK passport if the queue at heathrow is shorter and if you want to go to Europe during your stay.

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Thanks so much for your reply, really helps when you hear it from another perspective!


I used to have an old ESTA on my UK passport but definitely not valid anymore. My reason for the query is largely down to getting the ESTA visa on the right passport, we are also travelling around Europe.


I guess if my life is in Australia i should use that as my main passport and the UK passport for visits home and in the EU (for now).

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Yes Ollie, your way would be fine and is what I would do.

As pointed out for checkins use the appropriate passport for your destination but you are right.

Whether it is better to enter USA on British or Australia I don't think it matters.



My pride :( haha

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Thanks so much for your reply, really helps when you hear it from another perspective!


I used to have an old ESTA on my UK passport but definitely not valid anymore. My reason for the query is largely down to getting the ESTA visa on the right passport, we are also travelling around Europe.


I guess if my life is in Australia i should use that as my main passport and the UK passport for visits home and in the EU (for now).

Yep! that's what we do.

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Thanks so much for your reply, really helps when you hear it from another perspective!


I used to have an old ESTA on my UK passport but definitely not valid anymore. My reason for the query is largely down to getting the ESTA visa on the right passport, we are also travelling around Europe.


I guess if my life is in Australia i should use that as my main passport and the UK passport for visits home and in the EU (for now).


No requirement to use the UK passport for visits to the UK. Only reason for doing so would be if the queue is shorter.

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Because you said it did not matter which one to use therefor both would have to have ESTA but it would matter, especially for the USA! flying out of OZ on Aus passport but entering USA on UK with ESTA could well bring up a red flag with USA immigration


I meant obviously choose 1 to use, but whether you use the British or Australian for entering US probably doesn't matter.

On reflection I think I would use the Australian as I am a resident here and if you run into trouble it is probably better to be on that one.


But for UK and Europe I would use UK passport.


I don't think any country knows what passport you have used to exit another country.

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Keith, I think you are confusing leaving a country on a passport and checking in with the airline of your destination flight.


Leaving UK on your UK passport means showing the passport to UK Border staff as you exit.


No, you are confused we were talking about the USA ESTA requirements. The rest we are agreed upon.

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